Hell yes. As one of 3 females in engineering school full of small minded men.
2006-10-01 05:41:45
answer #1
answered by lollipop 6
Yes all the time. I have a mental illness which seems to be more of an issue for other people than it does for me. I once applied for a job twice, giving out the exact same details, but on one of the application forms I didn't disclose my mental illness. I used a friends address and was invited for an interview. On the application form whereby I had disclosed my illness I was not even contacted to say whether or not I had an interview. 8 months on I am still waiting to hear from them. This has happened a lot with employment. I sometimes think it would be easier to just lie on the form. And yes, it does affect me. If you meet new people and they find out you are mentally ill, they are usually either scared of you or give you loads of unwanted sympathy. I was opening a bank account one day and the woman asked me about disability benefits and then asked me what my disability was. When I told her she said " Bless you child, do you pray?" LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-10-01 13:25:38
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I have been treated unequally becuase of my gender, my past family situation, having a child at the age of 16, the way I dress, my choice to be an atheist. I write them off as ignorant, judgemental people. They do not bother me anymore.
2006-10-01 12:45:16
answer #3
answered by ? 6
interestingly enough research the constitution, there is no right that has ever been given to short people. at the age of 21 I am still 5'3 and am usually treated as a child. so yeah Id say thats pretty damn unequal
2006-10-01 12:41:51
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Yes. All forms of discrimination is bad, but try to be a Christian and talk to someone, ( not pushing your beliefs down their throat) AS soon as they hear that you believe in God, they start on you, and TRY to find faults with you in anyway they can. I suppose it's true, one will spoil it for all. (the ignorant ones who try and force their belief on someone) How has it effected me? None, I just go on with my life, and if they upset me they have done what they have set out to do, and I will not give them satisfaction. I do FEEL SORRY for them though because they are probably miserable and want everyone else to be miserable also. They will not drag me down with them. Let them live the way they want to as it does not effect me at all. Hope this answered your question. Have a Blessed day.
2006-10-01 12:55:27
answer #5
answered by Ex Head 6
gosh yes try gettin around the shops in a wheelie not easy i cant even get in some n people can be so cruel without realising it.i had one lady sayin when she saw my dog on my knee well atleast you got someone who will love you.i get loads of oh do you know so n so theyre in a chair, i feel like sayin do you know so n so they wear glasses n are pig ignorant too
2006-10-01 12:47:03
answer #6
answered by nendlin 6
Yes! Iam a Filipino and being such make other people (unfortunately most of them are from Asia) look down on me.
2006-10-01 12:45:02
answer #7
answered by cowboyblues 2
im an old disabled black homosexual with only one leg, .. im always seen as a minority figure
2006-10-01 12:41:18
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
yes, i'm disabled.
2006-10-01 12:43:36
answer #9
answered by Anonymous