I've never heard of Americans dying at any significant rate in foreign countries, only of extremely isolated cases in the news and mostly because of their own mistakes (accidents, not knowing their surroundings, trying dangerous stunts, etc.) The whole world doesn't "hate" the US, they just have a different point of view, which hardly means a physical action towards an American. I can tell more immigrants have died in the US than any amount of Americans in the rest of the world. (Not including wars). Usually Spain, South America and Japan are very Ameri-friendly, whereas India, overall Asia, the UK and Mexico are probably less friendly. However, I've heard wonderful stories about trips in all of them. I'd say, start locally and gradually travel to more expensive and exotic lands as you get the hang of it. I hope this helps.
2006-10-01 05:28:14
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Its stupid hearing people say "none". Have you all ever even been to another country? Hell, I know they don't like our government but they don't take it out on the people...most of the time they know that we can't help what our president does. I have been to many different countries and met many different people and haven't felt no hostility simply because I am American. If you are a nice person and act the way you are suppose to act being a guest in someone else's country then you will do fine......
2006-10-01 05:26:33
answer #2
answered by Led*Zep*Babe 5
Spain is a country where Americans are very welcomed. I was there this past summer and I was made to feel at home. So I definitely think spainairds are friendly.
2006-10-01 05:17:37
answer #3
answered by Christina B 1
Canada is a great country, I live in Victoria (British Columbia) and we get lots of people from the United States visiting this beautiful City.
2006-10-01 05:23:42
answer #4
answered by Full Moon Fever 2
Why is it you're concerned with America's popularity in the world? I don't give a rat's caboose about what foreigners think of us. Nevertheless, even the stupid French--who hate us with a passion--are always only too happy to receive American tourist dollars. That's because they--and others--NEED it! We don't need their kind shopping in our stores for us to continue to be the richest nation on Earth. Hate us as they do, they'd squeal all the louder if we stopped pumping up their perenially flat economies with our excess wealth. I thoroughly enjoy being an American and being able to look down my nose at this planet's pathetic collection of gimpy little nations.
2006-10-01 05:28:17
answer #5
answered by Wayne H 3
I have traveled to three other countries besides my own and was very welcome in all of them. They were Italy, Switzerland, and (gasp!) France. We had a great time while we were there and we are Americans!
2006-10-01 05:23:06
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Israel, probably.
Seriously, if you're nice, people will appreciate you (certainly here in UK). People tend to have a negative view of US here, but they won't take it out on you.
2006-10-01 05:20:33
answer #7
answered by DS 4
None, they all hate us. However, if you have a lot of money you may be welcome in some places. Some countries really like American money.
2006-10-01 05:19:43
answer #8
answered by NoDoubt 1
Canada, U.K., Australia, New Zealand, and Greenland.
2006-10-01 05:15:58
answer #9
answered by shlomogon 4
A lot of Americans are not even welcome in America, so of course there are plenty of people in plenty of other countries who won't welcome us in a friendly manner.
But then again, who needs to feel welcome to have fun?! lol
2006-10-01 05:20:12
answer #10
answered by Anonymous