It's the loud, fat, rude, ghetto, lazy ones that get all the air time on Cops.
Glad you are not one of 'em.
2006-10-01 04:55:58
answer #1
answered by newt_peabody 5
I have heard those stereotypes but never believed any of them....for one thing some of my best friends are black (not that race matters) and they are none of those. But I guess its the same as white women being stereotyped, or Italians being stereotyped and so forth. There will always be stereotypes and most of the time they will be bad....the people who buy into those stereotypes are ignorant anyways though and you don't want to be friends with them!
2006-10-01 05:31:34
answer #2
answered by Led*Zep*Babe 5
I am a white woman and I find many white women who fit the same stereotype so I'm not being racist I hope. I find that these women bring a bad name to women like you and me who don't deserve the hype. I would add vulgar to the list in the way they talk, often the way they act and dress. I work with a bunch like this and they make it miserable! All women need to have some pride in themselves!
2006-10-01 05:11:07
answer #3
answered by Brianne 7
But there are many who DO fit that stereotype. Just like there are millions of people who fit every type out there.
(I was on a bus yesterday when 4 very large black ladies got on and they really were overwhelmingly loud with ghetto speak. Are they that way because they were forced into that mold by others, or does the stereo type exist BECAUSE of such people?)
Iam six foot six inches tall. I don't play basketball!! I know what you mean.
2006-10-01 04:58:01
answer #4
answered by splitshell 3
Girl I feel you because I fit neither one of those descriptions either. But it is so much easier to portray black people by their so called bad characteristics. This is just another way to try to keep us down. Plus people feed on the "bad things" you never see anything good we do on tv, it's always the bad.
2006-10-01 07:41:10
answer #5
answered by karamel 3
I know a lot of black females,and just like all the rest of any race,there are some of every color.There are fat whites,hispanics,etc.Now Im Italian,and I dont have a big nose,hate spaghetti,dont wear pointed shoes,hair is not greasy,etc.Good luck trying to figure it out.
2006-10-01 05:01:56
answer #6
answered by packerman 2
I have black friends, and they are graceful, intelligent individuals they know how a lady is supposed to behave they are neither of those things in the description of black women...and those black women who do behave like this give the black ladies a bad name......and even my friends can understand why some black men run in the other direction.
2006-10-01 04:58:46
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I have never considered the majority of women of African ancestry to be loud, fat, or ghetto. Most of the ones i know are grad students, very intelligent and well-spoken.
2006-10-01 04:58:15
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
People who stereotype anyone are only showing their own ignorance. You seem to be an intelligent woman who can rise above that. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
2006-10-01 04:57:59
answer #9
answered by looking for the left eye 3
I really don't see how you can expect some other answer than the standard "That's how they are portrayed in the media". All sexes, religions, and races are stereotyped, some are just more prominent. Not all atheists are baby-eaters, but I get the dirty looks all the same.
2006-10-01 04:55:55
answer #10
answered by reverenceofme 6