I agree with you - this forum went from being a place for good information to a place where one comes to participate or witness regular bashing sessions.
I think the smart mouthed answers are a thin disguise for ignorance regarding the topic, or outright bitterness that clouds judgement - no one wants to say "I dont know" and rather than stay away from the question they would rather bash the questioner or other answerers.
2006-10-01 04:52:09
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
No you aren't naive, you are a good person who see's this site as away to share insight and knowledge and have fun at the same time. It's to bad that those who can't share in any other way even bother to answer. I think they use this site as away to take out their anger at the world and themselves. I too am bothered by this and it makes me sad but there are some really good people out there and I am grateful for them! You aren't alone in this thinking!
2006-10-01 12:50:19
answer #2
answered by Brianne 7
People are people where ever you turn, and since QnA isn't moderated you'll see the rude ones more frequently than on other more moderated forums. Moderation is important to keep the rude ones out, but almost impossible on something as large a QnA.
2006-10-01 11:52:24
answer #3
answered by *duh* 5
Some of the questions on here are rude and awful. I think those ones get a smart answer.
2006-10-01 11:47:43
answer #4
answered by sheeny 6
Unfortunately there is no way to stop all of the impolite people on here , but please don't take it personally , they do it to everyone .
Just ignore them and look for serious answers .
I looked at your page and your questions are fine , just hang in there and don't take this so seriously . Have fun !
2006-10-01 11:54:29
answer #5
answered by Geedebb 6
i give smart @$$ answers to questions i dont deem fit to be asked i just recentey answere da question about someone who is ashamed of their whte skin because white people are the devil and mean an racist and all that sh*t. i just prety much chewed their dumb fu*kin @$$ out because they are stupid sh*ts some people get real answers but for dum@$$ questions like that they get nothing but hurtfull words. i know im a big fu*kin jerk and im proud to say that i will tell anyone to go fu*k themselves its a trait im proud of. i have answered many a question with helpful answers and i have a few best answeres because i realy did help someone with their issue. other people are just stupid
glad i could help you with your problem and if you are worried about al the swaring then just read my nickname and you will see it is all justified
2006-10-01 11:51:54
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
some ? deserves rude answers and why not have fun doing it but not all are stupid question ive answerd lots of ? and got best answers rating it just depends on who and what ? it is and how people think of it
2006-10-01 12:01:52
answer #7
answered by boywonder 2
they are sad, selfish, and down right ignorant, as you say. they don't know how to love =(
2006-10-01 11:47:49
answer #8
answered by ipodlady231 7
Personally I think they are impulsive or drank too much coffee, cola, etc.
2006-10-01 11:53:43
answer #9
answered by scurvyskin 1
there are many, many, many different kinds of people in this vast world.
2006-10-01 11:47:05
answer #10
answered by ash 7 5