older women [like myself] in the most part are a lot more easy going than when younger. we have gone though all of the things young women are, and now we save it for the big stuff, bigger issues than my husband is half a hour late from work. we roll with things like that and do not worry about it that much.
we are more mature and balanced at the stage of life we are in now. we are not surprised or shocked about things that happen and we deal with upsets alot better. we are content and happy with our life and "roll with it"
2006-09-30 17:16:06
answer #1
answered by churchonthewayseniors 6
Fickle? This coming from a male!
Men are encourged to have sex with as many women as possible. It has only been about 2 generations since women were considered property not people.
It was acceptable and normal for a man to commit multiple adultery but a women could be beaten and executed for the same thing.
You have some nerve calling women fickle. I have never seen any group as moody, sulky and petulant as my younger brothers.
Perhaps you have their problem. That you think you are so totally perfect and handsome that women all adore you. And yet when you are told no blame them and call them "moody" or "fickle"
or heres a male classic, if a women doesnt want to have sex with them they HAVE to be fridgid or weird.
In my family there are 48 grandchildren or 1st cousins of those 2/3 are male. The majority of these are goodlooking but fairly stupid. Sulky. Petulant. With a distinct need to grow up and act like adults instaed of spoiled children. Of the 48 I am the oldest.
One thing else. I dont hate males. Im not some femminist. Or lesbian or anything else.
I am however 10 years married, with 2 sons, a daughter due to be born and a realist.
For the last 3 centuries this was a womens fate.
According to the English common law, the head of the family (the husband/father) was in control of the household, "women and children were chattels to be used and abused by the paterfamilias as he chose".[16] As girls reached adulthood and married, they changed from being the property of their fathers to being the property of their husbands. Any property that a wife brought to a marriage was immediately vested in the husband, and he could do with it whatever he liked.[17] She either had no legal personality at all,[18] and simply existed to enable the legal person of the household to act effectively in the market,[19] or, at best, she was incapacitated, only a partial person.[20] Male ownership of the children meant that a mother had no rights whatsoever to her children. And a wife had virtually no legal means of ending the marriage in a way which would enable her to keep the children or to regain any former property or to get any upkeep from her ex-husband for herself or her children, no matter what the reason for the divorce.[21]
2006-09-30 22:29:54
answer #2
answered by dragonaotearoa 2
As we age, we hopefully get mature enough to control moodiness over little things. Unfortunately, we can't control our hormones. Men tend to forget that this is over our heads and can't do anything about this. If you were given a shot of testosterone, how would it affect you? I know that mother's brains chemically change. Changes occur during prenancy.... hormones released are 3 times more than normal.
2006-09-30 16:48:33
answer #3
answered by pink9364 5
Good question - I think you would need to ask an immature and insecure male, young or old. I'll bet either could give you the answer you're looking for. Lots of them are making this country run like clockwork. Broken, rusty, twisted clockwork.
2006-09-30 16:44:06
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
older women cry more and have more hormones We are a blast...ask my husband. LOL
maybe a woman past menopause would be best for Pres but thats up to everyone
2006-09-30 16:44:55
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I think your friend meant Men are fickle and unpre"dick"able..moody...not Women...lol
2006-09-30 16:47:14
answer #6
answered by qdrama1956 5
Anyone can be moody and unpredictable, even you level headed men!!
2006-09-30 16:48:37
answer #7
answered by tamara.knsley@sbcglobal.net 5
That all depends on how hard menopause hits them. other than that no, not in general, it depends on the individual.
2006-09-30 16:56:19
answer #8
answered by Shazaaye Puebla 3
im 43 and i dont have moods like that.
2006-09-30 16:43:54
answer #9
answered by imalickyouallover69 5
yes they sure are
2006-09-30 16:43:18
answer #10
answered by Anonymous