opposite sex normally attracts like opposite charges or magnetism. People get envy when then find other having the slightest of chance of making the start. It is not at all wrong in this assumption that when a guy is talking to a gal there is not a tree of love between them but a germinating seed must romp home then and there. hope u must be having like this only if not now later on u will realize that I am in love with the girl with whom I was simply talking. So start right now. Old people also passed through the same lane
2006-09-30 15:56:58
answer #1
answered by SANJu 1
Blame the slime balls/perverts and the media. The media took the few perverts and dregs of the world and scared everyone into thinking they are everywhere. So now every man that talks to anyone young is put in the group with the perverts. The perverts are getting bold, but not every man is a pervert.
Not every woman in a mini skirt is a *****, except if the media says so. Then people think it's true.
In the small towns where people actually know each other this is rare. But even today I may be wrong - it's the community that is healthy that this is not a problem, in communities where no one knows anyone - rumors grow into facts. What is it? Urban myths...
Everyone has a rumor/myth attached to their person somehow. Sailors, nuns, priests, teachers, truck drivers, skaters, different races . It's sad that people will assume these myths apply to you, instead of talking to you.
I hope I am wrong, but If it's bad now, in 06; it will only get worse in the future. first impression is about all the time strangers give you to size up people. Perception is how people treat others now. Look like a ________ get treated like one. People are to apathetic to be involved anymore.
2006-09-30 15:56:04
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Cause they are from a time that the only time a guy talked to a girl it meant that they were falling in love. THey don't believe in Male female frindships.
2006-09-30 15:36:41
answer #3
answered by karpflover 2
They jump into conclusions because it's normal for guys to like girls.
And if you're the kind of guy who doesn't really talk to girls... when you actually talk to a girl ppl think you like her.
Really depends on the kind of mentality ppl have.
2006-09-30 15:36:30
answer #4
answered by Mawarda 3
Practical experience.
2006-09-30 17:05:17
answer #5
answered by ravi k 2
Adults can be narrow minded and in some case over possessive. its their nature, dont be so tense n have fun flirting!
2006-09-30 15:39:30
answer #6
answered by queen 3