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Can both conincide together? Can for instance you believe in the wicca practice, but perhaps beleve that your powers ultimately come from God? (such as a beleif that God created earth,wind,and fire?

2006-09-30 14:17:26 · 39 answers · asked by tea1894 2 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

39 answers

Yes you can, despite what some others say to the contrary. If you study the "Wicca Redes" and the "Witch's Redes of Chivalry", you will see the parallels with the "Ten Commandments". In fact, earlier Christianity centered around a male and female aspect - the same as the God and Goddess aspects of Wiccan lore. I know many Christian Wiccans, who have "absorbed" both into one practice, worshipping a single God figure. (Many Christian festivals have some derivation in older, paganistic rituals too, such as Christmas/Yule.)

2006-09-30 15:02:24 · answer #1 · answered by Companion Wulf 4 · 5 1

Here is the catch... if you want to remain a "good christian" you need to remember that there are certain taboos about magic in the christian faith, for example, no necromancy, no sorcery, no trafficking in spirits, no poisioning, no divination. However there is not a ban on sympathetic magic and/ or theurgy. If there were all priests who bless the host and sacremental wine as the "body & blood" of Jesus would all be burning in Hell, not to mention the blessing of holy water & homes & the act of baptism, or any sacrament for that matter ...
Theurgy is magic that channels the power of the divine... the power of God... If you use the Judeo Christian pantheon such as YHWH, Mary & Jesus on your altar set for your rituals, you do NOT call quarters, and work only within the realms of sympathetic magic & Theurgy, then you violate no tenent in the bible. Is this Wicca? not in the tradtional sense, but with the advent of eclecticism, pretty much anything goes...

2006-09-30 18:30:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Oh yes they can. Celtic Paganism and Celtic Christianity fit toghter very nicely. As both believe in a type of trinity. and the Christians that tried to lure the Pagans over to their views took much of the Pagans rites and rituals and incooperated them into their religion. a lot tried it but very few remained in it because the Christians started their campaign that anything not Christian was of the Devil or SATAN. ( nonsense the Pagans don't even believe in SATAN or the Devil). but they do believe that there is evil in the world most caused by humankind without any outside help.
The first religions recorded in myth and later were Sun worshiping ones . Its easy to substitute Son for Sun as a Deity.
Also Paganism is a Earth based religion . and the Christian Idea of GOD gave Mankind Dominion over the plants and animals. not to abuse the gift but to nurture and help it. so that their would be plenty of food to help feed the nations during the infertile periods.
The center of all circles in Paganism is Spirit(GOD,THE CREATIVE FORCE).the only real difference is that some of the Pagan covens are female orientated and some are male orientated while others give prominence to both in their own season.
thats five elements Earth,Air,Fire,Water,Spiritas the poins of the Pentacale.
Earth, Air , Fire, Water as the four Quarters or directions. With Spirit still being the center around which they are formed.

2006-09-30 14:52:52 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

Of course. I believe in God completely. In fact I'd say that is more right to say you believe in God and other powers than to say you believe that we evolved from Monkey's give me a break lol. Even the bible says that there are other God's, that God came from somewhere. I have been Wiccan for many years. Wiccans believe in the God and the Goddess right? christians believe in God and yes some believe he has a wife. There is even mention of her in the bible. Most religions just believe in the same God in some form or another. Wiccans believe in the power of the earth right? In relying on the power that comes from everything rocks, the elements, and so much more. So aren't you really worshiping the gifts that God has given you as well? Wiccans do not worship the devil despite what people may say. I believe that God is God and he is out God but does that mean he is the only one in the entire universe capable of having such powers? I don't believe so.

2006-09-30 15:19:07 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

I suppose you can be nature loving, but it wont be Wicca in the traditional sense. Wicca believe in the God and Goddess, not the Christian God. We also believe in reincarnation, and not heaven and hell. Having said that, I think there is a Christian Wicca path that is rather unusual, but if it works for you, then go with it. I can't imagine it having much in common with Traditional Wicca.

Also, we don't have 'powers', we simply utilise materials from the world around us to affect change in our lives.


2006-10-01 01:27:21 · answer #5 · answered by Seph7 4 · 1 0

Wiccans believe in both the God and the Goddess. The God is any male deity from any pantheon (Greek, Roman, Norse, Celtic, etc.) Even the Christian God is honored (different from worshipped) by a rare few while honoring Mary as the Goddess.

2006-09-30 19:03:44 · answer #6 · answered by Cinnamon 6 · 2 0

Think of the Creator as an infinately faceted diamond. Each viewpoint, concept, path, religion, belief, ect is a facet and contains part of the whole.

I think it's pointless for anyone to think there is a true religion, or to point fingers and say that someone else's is wrong. If it feels positive, loving, and upbuilding - than no matter what the belief or anyone's viewpoint of it; it's probably one of infinate paths to connect more closely with the Creator.

Religion reminds me of the diversity of the races among humans. When are we going to stop ethnic cleansing and realize that no matter what race; blood types and organ donors can cross 'race' because the difference is only skin deep! It's only an illusion.

So too with religion, the differences between them are only an illusion. And all the crap in the world is because man refuses to see past the illusion of separateness. If everyone would stop being zealots about their own race and beliefs, and respect everyone elses as just a version of the same thing - we would finally all be able to get along.

"No tree is so unwise as to fight among it's own branches."
- Native American (unknown)

I say go for it woman; and 'be the change you wish to see in the world'.

2006-09-30 17:12:57 · answer #7 · answered by Cedar_2006 3 · 3 0

Awesome question!!! I seemed to have struggled with something similar to this in my late adolescence. I discovered that All religions, spiritual beliefs and traditions of various occult practices do in fact have a single, common uniting fact; All of them believe in something higher than themselves- Call it God, the Universal Principle, Buddha, Krishna, whatever, It's something greater than ourselves that we cannot readily describe with words but can feel in our hearts and spirits. If you're a serious student of the occult or different philosophies, you should look into the kaballah (sometimes this is spelled with a "C" or even "Q", but it's all pretty much the same. If I may, let me recommend a book to you. It's rather thin, but if I had to choose just one book to keep out of my occult library (And let me tell ya', I have about a thousand Plus!) it would be this one. It's called "Simplified Qabala Magic" by Ted Andrews and is available on Amazon at a reduced rate of about $5-$6.00 plus S&H. Mr Andrews talks about the elements, angels, and everything in between. It has lots of exercises that are totally simple to do and if you do them for the alloted time, you'll unlock parts of your mind you probably didn't even know you had. The best thing about the Qabala is that it's non-denominational meaning you can stay the course of your present religion if you have one. All it will do is enhance it!!!

2006-09-30 14:57:15 · answer #8 · answered by Tom I 2 · 6 0

Yes, you can STUDY anything you like. If you go by the bible, you can still study it, you just can't practice it and remain in the strict christian religion. If you want to combine both beliefs and do your own thing, you are more than welcome to. As long as you are happy, it's really all that matters. BTW, Wiccans feel that there is a God and Goddess and both are like the ying and yang of one true power source that is neither male or female. I started out reading the bible and then began to study many diff religions when it just didn't provide the answers I needed in my life. Try reading some stuff by Joesph Campbell. He was a huge believer in God, but was all about reading and researching diff religions around the world. His books ROCK!!!! Good luck!

2006-09-30 17:21:57 · answer #9 · answered by cailincox 3 · 1 2

Yes! Magick and spells can be preformed by anyone of any religion.

Spells, are somewhat like prayers and are used to create needed change in one's own life or the life of a loved one. But while prayers are a petition to an external Deity to create the change, most Witches and Wiccans believe that Deity is present in everything, including ourselves. Spells, then, are the channeling of our own divine selves, our own energies, to create the change.

2006-09-30 15:08:26 · answer #10 · answered by AmyB 6 · 5 0

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