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Strange I know but im looking for peoples views.
My husband and I are trying for a baby. Weve been working at it for many weeks but my period isnt due for another week so theres no point in doing a test as i know it will come back negative.
The thing is this... we have a 2 1/2 year old daughter already and when i fell pregnant with her, our cats were really affectionate towards me, always lying on my stomach and "padding" it with their paws.
They have started again and was wondering if it was just a coincidene or if any of you guys have has a similar experience with their pets???

2006-09-30 08:31:49 · 20 answers · asked by KIAHTREE 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Trying to Conceive

20 answers

They do say that cats and dogs are supposed to be more in tune with the extra sensory perceptio (ESP) than humans are. Thats why some dogs are trained to warn owners when they are about to have an epileptic fit (the owner not the dog!) and they are supposed to be able to sense supernatural things aswel (when the stare at things that aren't there). So i'm sure its totally possible that they can sense your preganancy before you even know yourself.
Hope its good news for you.

2006-09-30 08:38:57 · answer #1 · answered by Rachel N 2 · 0 0

I am 6 weeks pregnant and my cat will not leave me alone. When I am sitting down she wants to be on my knee and when I am walking around she is always by my feet. She even starts crying when I leave a room. It is weird you asked this question tonight as me and my hubby have just been wondering the exact same thing!

Maybe there is something in it. My cat is definately acting differently

2006-09-30 17:34:23 · answer #2 · answered by sarah_north06 1 · 1 0

Dont know about cats but dogs definately do!!! I have a 4 yr old lab b itch, and whenevr im on my period she follows me around. When i was pregnant she never left my side! By the time i gave birth i was sick to death of tripping over her all the time! lol It got to the stage where she even started lactating! It stopped once i'd given birth. Dogs can definately sense the pregnancy hormones!!!
Congrates and good luck btw!

2006-09-30 16:15:00 · answer #3 · answered by emn2111 3 · 1 0

Ya know it is funny that you ask that because I am a dog lover and when I visit my mom I never play or even pat here cats but we noticed that when I got pregnant her cats always come over and cuddle up to me they never would even come near me before. so weird maybe they do know, and even my little dog is weird lately to its almost like he is jealous well I wish you the best I am expecting my first baby in 7 weeks it is so wonderful being pregnant!! I can't wait take care bye

2006-09-30 15:39:23 · answer #4 · answered by lynn 3 · 0 0

I wouldn't put in past them! Cats never cease to amaze me! I've never been pregnant, but my cat ALWAYS seems to know when I'm either ill or feeling low, and comes & keeps me company/snuggles up which she wouldn't normally do, being your typical aloof cat!
Well, I hope the cats are right! All the best. x

2006-09-30 15:42:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I dont have a cat, but when I was pregnant for the first time with my daughter, our dog was extra interested in me and more cuddly. He also smelled me more than usual. Maybe pregnant women smell different to them? But the dog definitely knew something was up.

2006-09-30 15:36:39 · answer #6 · answered by sooz 3 · 1 0

Probley because cat have great sence and are very smart. Me cat always sleeps with me when i am depressed
( his way of telling me he there for me)
but my sister pregnant and her cat barely comes near her
(he also has feline aids so his feline system is not in sink to hers no more) I would not put is past a cat to not know when your pregnant.

2006-09-30 19:09:06 · answer #7 · answered by frost_icing 1 · 1 0

now usually i would have said probably not as my cat has not changed towards me, but i have a friend who has the most bad tempered cat in the history of cats and this cat will hiss, bite, growl and scratch at anything with a pulse except for a pregnant lady. i didnt believe this til i became pregnant with my daughter and this cat that hates me, suddenly wanted to sit in my lap and purred, as soon as i had her he was back to his satanic self. now that im preggers with my 2nd child, hes loving me again!!!
Go figure

2006-09-30 17:25:28 · answer #8 · answered by dopeydora2001 3 · 1 0

Had the same thing happen to me, weird, but true. My cats knew when I was pregnant before I did. With all three of my pregnancies they wouldn't leave me alone.

2006-09-30 15:37:46 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

LOL. My dog (a lab, border collie mix) always knows when someone is pregnant. He will jump to their stomach's (never on top of them just kind of up to them) and nudge his nose against their stomach. He has done this with me every time and with everyone who comes in my house pregnant. That's the only time he ever does it.

2006-09-30 16:33:25 · answer #10 · answered by TRUE PATRIOT 6 · 1 0

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