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Pleasee Help!!

2006-09-30 08:27:27 · 51 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

To Make Things Worse The Father Of My Baby Does'nt Want Anything To Do With It!

2006-09-30 08:52:15 · update #1

I've Just Told My Antie About It And She Said She'll Help Me Talk To My Partents And If The Don't Want To Help Me She'll Stick By Me..I'm Starting To Have Doubts Wether Or Not To Keep The Baby...

2006-10-01 01:35:37 · update #2

51 answers

SHUT UP you nasty evil self righteous idiots, she's 15 who the hell are any of you to judge her, i bet none of you are that perfect yourselves so stop and think before you are so selfish.heartless and insensitive.

Now hunny, i know your probably going through mixed emotions right now and are probably very scared and feel very lonely but your right you do have to tell your parents and they might be upset but at the end of the day you are their baby daughter and they Willl love you no matter what. Talk to them calmly and honestly and if you are that worried see your doctor and ask if they can be there when you tell your parents.
It wil be hard but you can do this and one way or another it will make you a stronger wiser person.
I was pregnant at 15 and my parents reacted badly but they are my best friends now and we got through it together. I did have an abortion which i did really regret but now i have 2 gorgeous daughters who i love dearly so everything worked out in the end.
You will get through this, good luck hun, I'll be thinking of you. xxx

2006-09-30 08:45:29 · answer #1 · answered by sophie-star 2 · 5 4

I agree with 1 or two of the answers above. Basically, I think the best thing you could do is to find out more about what options you have. Go to your doctor and ask him for advice, it is completely confidential meaning your parents won't find out from him/her. At least this way, you know where you stand. When you feel ready, tell your parents. It will probably be quite difficult and a lot of awkward questions are bound to be asked. I think you should tell them both at the same time, that way neither of them feels left out and you can all discuss it. Although you may feel that telling your Mum and Dad will be one of the worst things you could do. E.g. it may upset them, they may be angry etc. just remember that everyone makes mistakes, they love you and that can't be changed just because of one mistake. Try not to put any of this off for too long. If an abortion is an option you would consider, there are limits on the length of time you can wait and the sooner the news is in the open, the better you will feel.

2006-09-30 08:58:29 · answer #2 · answered by Ben G 1 · 1 1

Okay, here it goes.
I'm a mother of a teenage daughter. If my daughter came to me with this, it wouldn't be pretty. But the thing is, you're going to have to face it.

If I were you, I'd take my mom into my room sit on the bed with her and just come out and say it. Don't beat around the bush or stall. Just say it. Your mom might scream, cast accusations, and cry. She may also just sit there quietly and hug you. You won't know until you tell her. You're going to have to be understanding of whatever reaction she has, and realize that a lot of it is going to be caused by shock, fear, anger that someone touched her baby that way, sympathy. She's going to feel just about every negative emotion.

As a mother, I think it would be better to tell your mom by herself and let her talk to dad. She'll know how to approach him better with something like this. Be completely honest with your parents when they start asking questions about this.

Remember that what you did was very wrong, remain humble and keep your attitude in check no matter what's said or done. You're just going to have to expect the worst and hope for the best. As for the boy, he has no choice in the matter. Your parents and his parents (hopefully) will hold him accountable for this.

Good luck to you Sweetie, and please don't ever forget what's happened to you and don't let it happen again.

2006-09-30 11:51:24 · answer #3 · answered by andi b 4 · 0 1

You must tell them staight away as it wont be something that goes away by itself.. Try and tell your mam on your own and maybe get her to help you tell your dad. Im sure if you explain how you feel and what you want from it all, then they will have to go with your decisions and help you every step of the way. Have a long hard think and do it before the week starts. Sooner you get it off your chest the better. Forget the dad in all this, your the adult now and dont need a second kid around your ankles. Good luck and let us know how it all panned out?

2006-09-30 09:43:05 · answer #4 · answered by ISLA G 1 · 0 2

Dealing with parents is the easy part. The hardest part is knowing what your options are and what YOU want to do. If you decided on abortion make sure that you are fully aware of what you are letting yourself in for before you go ahead with it. Don't let anyone, including your parents talk you into doing something you DO NOT want to do. It is your choice. You don't know for sure how your parents will react until you tell them. I figured my mum would kill me, but when I finally plucked up the courage to tell her (when I was 3 months pregnant) she was great about it, and she was very supportive. Granted, some parents can be awful when they have a situation like this to deal with, but you have to take control of the situation. Don't be bullied into doing something you don't want to do. If you want an abortion, make sure you know the facts and do it as soon as possible, the longer you leave it, the harder it will be. After 3 months you will have to give birth to it, abortion is still an option, but it will be harder for you. If you don't want an abortion don't let anyone talk you into it. Tell your parents love, the sooner you know how they feel about it the sooner you can deal with it. In the meantime you are just spending time worrying about a reaction that might not happen. Get it over and done with. Worrying will just make you ill. If it makes it easier, maybe you could have a friend or another family member tell your parents?

Good luck

2006-09-30 09:00:42 · answer #5 · answered by chunniemonster 2 · 0 1

Baby my heart goes out to you, I have a daughter who is 15 and it sounds like you are in the position you are in as you have not been educated about safe sex or even the fact that you are still only a child yourself, was this your first time, were you with him for long. You see too me it really does sound as if your parents are just there as a ????????? and not as a guidance for you or even to talk to you.
I often have talks with my girl and you know the more we talk the wiser she gets and sometimes i think she is wiser than me lol
you really need to think about what you are gonna decide to do as this is a life we are talking about and you are still very young still at school and will no doubt be on your own by the sounds of the man, go to your local family planning centre and make a start there they will offer counselling etc to get you through what ever you decision is, at the end of the day if you parents are not up to much there will be support out there for you,
Baby even I will be your pen/text/email pal if it gets you though it.
Sounds harsh but this is gonna make you wiser the hard way.

2006-09-30 09:36:05 · answer #6 · answered by ooooh look @ me, lol 3 · 0 2

If you are or not...do you think you are going to get bona fide 'advice' from the man or lass in the street (on a web page)? Obviously you didn't need advice to get pregnant...but it's time to get in touch with a social worker, your G.P., then your parents. Something tells me you reside in the UK...

...Sophie-star - warned the lass! She would somehow become unstuck with some of us on Yahoo Answers, be they, as you put it, 'self-righteous' - but if the message is in fact true, she also doesn't want someone like you turning the room into a slanging match. Some of us cannot help being conceited, but could be she can sift out the good and bad answers without assistance from someone who thinks rushing into the ring with arms flailing is 'best'.

2006-09-30 08:40:48 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

it sucks to be you right now but first of all your baby daddy is gonna get his and when you tell your parents please don't lie and say you were raped just tell them that you are sorry and want to give the baby up for adoption no matter how much you want to abortor keep it (it just sounds better when you first tell them). I not saying this because I feel its wrong(I do) but because your so young that if you do this now it will change the way that everyone looks at you and your parents(they still will) but look at it this way

if you abort what if you have a complication and you can no longer have kids you will be bitter at everyone involved and how can you put a price on someones life and soul? and once you terminate you can never take it back and everyone I know that has gotten one regretted it 'cept for this one nasty who had 5 but the 9th grade and people will think that your a killer........or

you can have the baby in a much more safe environment and give it a chance at life with another family who might not be able to have children and it will teach you(more) about responsibility

as far as telling mom and dad you have two choices be a women since that's what you though when you got pregnant or wait til you start showing and get in even more trouble........oh yeah you might want to get a job or find somewhere else to stay cause they might call you out your name and then kick you out the house..........I have had more than my share of these expiriences.........and be prepared to be seemingly grounded for the rest of your teenage years because as soon as you tell them you may have just lost all of your parents trust.

or if it all works out in a strange matter you might have a misscariage.......but do NOY try to induce one it might or might not work and will do more harm than good either way

just have faith I was in your situation more than once and each time I had a misscariage but my parents still love me and your parents more than likely will to but you will need to do some studying on parenting and pregnancy(not in that order)

Good Luck and God Bless You and watch over you

2006-09-30 09:09:36 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Look here I am now 17 years old my mother had me at 16 I went and asked my mother what she did and she said go and tell them that you need to talk to them both and that is important, Make sure you tell them that you are pregnant and that you understand what you did might have been rong but now you are bringing in a baby.. and as for you always remember that everything happens for a reason.. God will not give you more then what you can handle.. Good Luck to you

2006-09-30 15:59:58 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I became pregnant when I was 13 and am now almost 26. Everything worked out, even though my parents were disappointed. The most important thing is to know what you want. Do you want to raise the baby? Would you want a family member to raise it? would you want to give it up for adoption? Or (if it suits you) have an abortion? Just remember, it is YOUR choice. If you want to have and raise your child, then don't let ANYONE try to change your mind. This is the time...You wanted to do grown up things, so now you have to make grown up decisions. And this should be your first one. Try to find a support before you tell your parents who actually say what you would like to do is a good idea. If you don't you may have a difficult time sticking to your guns and could regret the decision for the rest of your life. There aren't any regrets when it is your decision and only yours. Then tell your parents, and your wishes/ plans, and ask for understanding and advice. Let them know you love them and didn'tr do this to hurt, or embarrass them, and trust they will help you through this difficult time.

By the way... I have a lovely 11 year old daughter who I raised on my own, and also a 4 year old son. I worked and had my own place, finished school, and am now in college. It definately wasnt easy, and I wanted to give up so many times, but what got me through was having someone there to support me in the decisions i made.

Good luck!

2006-09-30 08:31:42 · answer #10 · answered by darkstar32822 3 · 10 2

oh hun i feel for you, i think 1st and foremost you should tell your mum and let her know that you are pregnant and that you need her support, with what ever you choose to do, then ask if she can be with you when you tell your dad, it will be a shock for both your parents, as no doubt it has been for you, but they will get over the shock, and should be able to help you, you cant keep it to yourself forever, you will start to show soon, and its best that they hear it from you rather than them noticing the changes in your body later on, you need there support now, and i am sure that they will come around after it has sunk it, so don't go stressing yourself out over it, get them told soon.

and good luck

2006-09-30 16:12:42 · answer #11 · answered by samantha s 2 · 0 1

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