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try to deal with qualities like dignity, style, benevolence, leadership qualities etc.

2006-09-30 08:01:05 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Royalty

14 answers

frnd , i think it is ur confidence ! which reflects your royalty
n do all ur daily activities confidently, remember you need to be attentive too

2006-10-02 18:15:17 · answer #1 · answered by uvbkishore 1 · 0 0

What are the signs of kindness in a stone? Royalty is something human beings have created in order to justify their control over others.

A person worthy of esteem and admiration embodies discipline, kindness, humility, the ability to speak well, intelligence, passion, dignity, compassion, emphasizes relationship and exerts personal influence.....much like Jesus who is after all King of Kings.

2006-09-30 09:09:06 · answer #2 · answered by angelblue112 2 · 1 0

Positive, Love-able, Affectionate, Helping, and Servicing with Understanding is the main features real royalty. Check it.

2006-09-30 17:20:41 · answer #3 · answered by ravi k 2 · 0 0

Supposedly, kings and queens have been derived from their ancestors who were blessed by the grace of God to rule His earth. So in my mind, real royalty, would be some one with poise, the essence of tranquility emanating from their very soul, sincerity, the ultimate in honesty, divinely righteous, as innocent as a dove and as smart as a snake, and the hand of kindness and equality. I wrote real royalty as opposed to God blessed royalty rather than countries over thrown and unworthiness takes over a kingdom, this is when evil is in control. But a true king or queen is some one your very soul is drawn to the way we are drawn to God himself. Similar to the way our bodies embrace light, we need the light. Love delight.

2006-09-30 08:23:22 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Inbreeding, gout-the disease of kings, hemophilia. The concepts you listed are romantic and charming but do not exist in the royals. Was Prince Charles being dignified when he told Camilla that he wanted to be her tampon? Not only is that vile, but he was married when he said it. No style. No dignity.

2006-10-01 03:10:42 · answer #5 · answered by claudiagiraffe 5 · 0 0

Overbearing, self centred, egotistical, unrealistic, pompous, unpleasant, snobbish, idiotic, moronic, selfish, rude, borish, affecting a superior attitude which is unwarranted, hubris born of being from a line of murdering scoundrels, haughty, supercilious, arrogant, disdainful.

2006-09-30 12:17:52 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

particular. The Queen of england (Elizabeth II ) and Prince Phillip have been vacationing Windsor (Ontario, Canada) and he or she became doing a walkabout. I got here approximately to be status in the front line of one thousand human beings. She walked alongside in front human beings and spoke to various commoners. I have been given a 0.5 smile and a "hi, How are you?". I smiled and dutifully reported "superb thank you." and he or she moved on. We have been on holiday in Australia and the President of Fiji sat on the table next to us and nodded and smiled. (guy he's have been given huge physique guards).

2016-10-18 06:28:05 · answer #7 · answered by avey 4 · 0 0

A person who is always a giver than taker is Royal

2006-10-02 18:10:45 · answer #8 · answered by gurushabad1 2 · 0 0

Once upon a time in a land far, far away, a beautiful prince and princess were born. Not only were the twins of royal blood, but they were also blessed with three fairy godmothers. On the day of their christening, only two of the fairy godmothers were in attendance. The third was busy beyond the woods and over the hill helping a maiden whose wicked stepmother forced her to do heavy work and care for her evil-minded and ugly stepsisters. Since she had no bed, she had to rest next to the hearth among the ashes and cinders.
But, let us get back to our story and the christening of the prince and princess. The first fairy godmother bestowed her gift on the little princess and prince.
“You will be as intelligent as you are fair. You will think great thoughts, solve complicated problems, and create marvelous things,” said the first fairy.
Not to be outdone, the second fairy godmother said with a flourish, “You shall possess the skills to be great leaders. Your people will follow you because you have vision.”
The king and queen were pleased with the gifts and said, “Our kingdom is a complex place and, sad to say, at times full of division, strife and suffering. Our kingdom needs a prince and princess with such gifts.”
The royal twins grew and just as the fairy godmothers said they were as bright as they were fair and possessed the skills of great leaders. But, the prince and princess were not happy. In fact, they were troubled. From the time they were tall enough to see their own reflection in the great mirror in the hallway, they also saw a heavy mantle on their shoulders. Although the twins, in the way twins know things, could see the mantle on the other’s shoulders, no one else could see it nor understand the heavy burden that they bore. They came to understand that the mantle was woven of the very gifts the fairy godmothers gave them at their christening. Their intelligence weighed them down as did their ability to lead. The mantle seemed to grow heavier whenever their father the king would say, “You are more fortunate than others to possess such a keen intellect. We expect great things from you, my son.” Or when their mother the queen would say, “You are a born leader. Much is expected of you, my daughter.”
The princess and prince were so burdened by the mantle which no one but they could see that they started walking hunched over. The king and queen became disturbed by this behavior since they could see no reason for it. The prince and princess could offer no explanation that their parents would understand. Finally, the king lost his temper and said, “A princess must comport herself in an upright fashion, not walk about like a kitchen maid. A prince must stand tall so that his people can look up to him. Go to the woods both of you and hide until you learn how to comport yourselves. You are an embarrassment to the royal family.”
The prince and princess went to the woods more weighed down than ever because they had disappointed their parents. They were walking so bent over that they were literally looking down at the ground when suddenly they came upon a pair of feet, in a pair of boots, attached to a pair of legs. The twins craned their necks to look up at the person standing in front of them. An old woman dressed in the colors of the forest smiled down on them.
“My dears, why do you carry that heavy mantle?” said the woman.
“We have no choice,” said the princess.
“Two of our fairy godmothers gave us these “so-called” gifts of intelligence and leadership when we were born, but we see them as a burden,” said the prince.
“Why my poor children,” the woman said kindly. “They are a burden without my gift.” At that moment the princess and prince knew that this was their third fairy godmother who had been absent at their christening.
“Dear princess and prince, the gift that you lack is a precious gift indeed for it contains the tools you will need to use your intelligence and leadership,” the fairy godmother said.
“I give you the virtues of courage to be brave enough to use your gifts in a troubled world, compassion so that you care about the burdens of others, honesty so that you are true to others as well as yourself, and humility so that you do not become proud. What you lacked was the heart that allows you to use your gifts for the good of others. By serving others, your burden will become light as a feather.”
Upon finishing this speech, the fairy godmother touched the twins on their heads and they felt the mantle lift from their shoulders. From that day forward, they were able to use their gifts in the service of their people with a light heart. The sister and the brother lived happily ever after.

2006-09-30 09:38:25 · answer #9 · answered by JFAD 5 · 0 0

Wrist watch

2006-09-30 08:18:01 · answer #10 · answered by grewal 1 · 0 1

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