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is someone who joins the army knowing they will have to kill who they r ordered to my their masters a sadist. To knowing join the army knowing that u have to kill unqestionally at your masters orders does this indicate that the person just wants an excuse to kill ie he is a sadist who hides behind the army to comit killing. I mean if someone did not believe in killing but had to kill unqestionably at his masters oders it would cause psychologcal problems -so such a person would not join an army knowing he had to kill . Would only a person who did not mind killing and perhaps liked the oppurtunity to kill ie a sadist join an army. Because a person who did not like killing would surely not join an army. It is no good saying but a soldier is killing for his country because if a peson did not believe or like killing could not put themselves in such a sistuation in the first place. Ony;l people who dont mind killing would do that

2006-09-30 07:15:31 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

7 answers

The short answer to the question is "no". Sadism is about inflicting pain, not about killing, and a sadist probably wouldn't be interested in being limited to inflicting pain only on those that the army gave them permission to hurt.

As for the rest of your suppositions about the mindset of soldiers, you're just totally wrong. If you can recognize the fact that not only do you know nothing about this subject, but that 95% of what you think you know is wrong, you could go spend some time with former and active soldiers, and you might (might not) understand what it is that makes a person willing to voluntarily enter the madness of war.

If you can figure that out, you might realize that it isn't this non-existent bloodlust on the part of soldiers that causes war, it's the ignorance of people who think that it exists that causes war.

2006-09-30 07:27:47 · answer #1 · answered by open4one 7 · 0 0

First... You need to learn english.
Second... A soldier does not kill without question. That could lead to breaking the rules set up in regards to the rules of engagement. They also try to avoid shooting people as much as possible. And no! NO! NO! NO! POEPLE JOIN BECAUSE THEY CARE ABOUT THEIR LOVED ONES, THEY KNOW THAT THE ONLY WAY WE CAN HAVE THE FREEDOM TO HAVE PEOPLE LIKE YOU, AND YOUR IGNORANCE, IS BY DEFENDING IT. You sit there behind your computer screen saying stuff like this, while there are people out there making sure you have that luxury. How about you travel to some other countries and see how much freedom some of them have. You need a serious reality check, and the next time you see a soldier... thank them, buy them a drink, shake their hand. They are true heros.

2006-09-30 07:47:22 · answer #2 · answered by Joe K 6 · 0 0

Dearie, soldiers aren't sadists, they're killers. Sadists don't necessarily kill, but they enjoy torture, which most soldiers don't have time to pursue. Usually they're just trying to get the other guy before he gets them. And, as a matter of interest, assuming you have anything of objectivity in you, most soldiers hate killing. They do it because it is what soldiers do, and they see it as necessary. In most cases, regardless of whether the public sees it as righteous, it truly is 'them or us.' And will go on being them or us till mankind learns to take correction without coercion--roughly, when hell freezes over.
Are you telling me you wouldn't kill for anything? If so, you are either a liar, or a coward, because everyone has something for which they will kill. Their own survival, the safety of their loved ones, the good of their country--as they see it. Killing does not make soldiers either monsters or puppets, it just makes them people doing what they believe to be right. And it's a bloody shame when they have to come home and hear crap like this question, which condemns them for doing a job people like you are too yellow to undertake.
My father was a superb killer in WWII, because he believed the fight to be important for the future of the world--which belief I share, as does history. He never whined or complained, but he had nightmares as long as he lived about the things he did and saw during the war. He sacrificed his own comfort for the safety and peace of his country, and his loved ones, and that is true heroism. So stop knocking soldiers, until you've found the courage to make the same commitment and sacrifice that they make.

2006-09-30 07:34:24 · answer #3 · answered by kaththea s 6 · 0 0

A sadist is, by definition, a person who derives sexual pleasure from infliciting pain; the word is derived, of course, from the Marquis de Sade.

Trust me, there is no sexual pleasure to be had lying in a shallow depression while fire from an AK47 is plowing the ground around you. Trust me. I've done personal esearch on this.

As to the morality of war, of killing, well, that's about the oldest philisophical question in the book. Library's full of material have been written on the subject, from the cuneiform brooding of the epic of Gilgamesh through all that depressing WWI poetry.

Is it moral? Is it moral to put the sights on an enemy soldier and pull the trigger? Trust me, when you're the chap behind the weapon you have no time to fret over such concerns. Those are for comfortable arm-chair philosphers to ponder as they sip their after dinner sherry before the fire. The grunt dodging from cover to cover as the world is coming apart around him has other things on his mind.

War is something outside standard moral concerns. It is older than civilization; men were conducting organized warfare long before they learned how to work metal, much less how to write whining moral treatises.

War isn't moral, isn't immoral. War simply is. War is the ultimate expression of what Jung called 'the shadow' of our psyche, that dark half we all want to pretend isn't there.

War is. Get used to it. As the Roman philosopher Appius Claudius the Blind so eloquently put it more than two millenia ago, "Guard well your peace...for there will be war".

2006-09-30 07:36:26 · answer #4 · answered by Red Eric 1 · 0 0

You obviously don't come from a military family. Just because a person joins the service doesn't mean they will be ordered to "kill". There are many other kinds of jobs in the service.

If we didn't have a military, we would not have a free country. Freedom comes with a price, a very high price. Look at what happened during the Revolutionary war, many men paid with their lives so WE could live in freedom.

Your thinking is very limited. You need to look at the big picture of the military which encompasses much more than the opportunity to kill someone. Your freedom, success, education, job, family and the peace we have in America is because someone was willing to die for it. Be thankful for those brave people who are willing to lay down their lives for you. Would you lay down your life for someone else to have freedom??????

2006-09-30 07:27:54 · answer #5 · answered by Tatochka 3 · 1 0

Do not agree ! My son isn't in there just to kill he's in there to help protect this country of ours so people like you can sleep a little better at night..He does not ENJOY killing ..Look at all the parents and children now a days that are killing their own and people shooting people for no reason because they have nothing better to do ..At least our soldiers have a reason(our safety) , what's everyone elses excuse for killing their children or their parents or wife or husband..

2006-09-30 07:28:28 · answer #6 · answered by Just Dreamin' 4 · 0 0


2006-09-30 07:20:25 · answer #7 · answered by a 5 · 0 0

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