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Ok i need two websites and about three or four books about joan of Arc
and no wikipeida

2006-09-30 07:15:12 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities History

oh and im not a slacker. i do my homework i just need a little help ok.

2006-09-30 07:25:58 · update #1

5 answers

Jeanne d'Arc (also commonly known as 'la Pucelle' - the Maid)

Brief Biography;
St. Joan of Arc was born at Domrémy circa January 6, 1412. Citing a mandate from God to drive the English out of France, she was eventually given an escort to bring her before Charles of Ponthieu (later known as King Charles VII). After gaining the approval of the Church scholars at Poitiers in March of 1429, she was granted titular command of an army which quickly lifted the siege of Orléans on May 8, 1429, captured Jargeau, Meung-sur-Loire, and Beaugency in mid-June, and defeated an English army at Patay on June 18. After accepting the surrender of the city of Troyes and other towns, the army escorted Charles to the city of Rheims for his coronation on July 17. An unsuccessful attack was made on Paris on September 8, followed by the successful capture of St-Pierre-le-Moutier on November 4. As a reward for her service, Charles VII granted her noble status along with her family on December 29, 1429. She returned to the field the following year, despite predicting her own defeat. Captured at Compiègne on May 23, 1430 and transferred to the English, she was placed on trial in Rouen by a selected group of pro-English clergy, many of whom nevertheless had to be coerced into voting for a guilty verdict. Convicted and executed on May 30, 1431, she was subsequently declared innocent by the Inquisition on July 7, 1456 after a lengthy re-trial process which was initiated shortly after the English were finally driven from Rouen, thereby allowing access to the documents and witnesses associated with her trial; the presiding Inquisitor, Jean Bréhal, ruled that the original trial had been tainted by fraud, illegal procedures, and intimidation of both the defendant and many of the clergy who had taken part in the trial, and she was therefore described as a martyr by the Inquisitor. After the usual lengthy delay associated with the sluggish process of canonization, she was beatified on April 11, 1909 and canonized as a saint on May 16, 1920.

1412 (?), Jan 6 - Born at Domremy to Jacques and Isabelle d'Arc, during the Truce of Leulinghen. Sporadic warfare continued between two rival French factions, the Armagnacs and Burgundians.

1413 - The Burgundians, including Joan's future judge, Pierre Cauchon, sparked the brutal Cabochien Revolt in Paris in an effort to gain power. Cauchon would be exiled as punishment for his role in this revolt.

1415 - The Truce of Leulinghen came to an end as Henry V invaded France, defeating the Armagnac-dominated French Royal army at the battle of Aginçourt.

1424 (?) - Joan "heard a voice from God to help me govern my conduct" while in her family's garden.

1428, May - A family relative, Durand Lassois, brought her to Vaucouleurs to meet with Lord Robert de Baudricourt, the local garrison commander. Baudricourt refused to take her seriously, and sent her away.

1428, July - Her home village of Domremy was raided by Burgundian troops under Lord Vergy. The villagers took refuge in the nearby city of Neufchatel.

1428, October 12 - Orleans was besieged by English troops.

1429, Jan-Feb - Durand Lassois brought her to Vaucouleurs again; Baudricourt finally consented to give her an escort of six soldiers to bring her before Charles VII at Chinon.

1429, c. March 9 - Met with Charles VII at Chinon.

1429, mid-to-late March - Charles ordered her to be questioned by theologians at Chinon and Poitiers; the clergy gave her their approval and advised Charles that he could grant her request to bring an army to lift the siege of Orleans.

1429, March 22 - Dictated a letter to the English, recorded by Jean Erault, asking them to leave.

1429, April 5 - 25 - Given a banner and armor at Tours, then arrived at Blois, where the army was gathering for the upcoming campaign.

1429, April 25 - Left for Orleans with an army and a large quantity of food supplies for the hungry city.

1429, April 29 - Joan and a portion of her troops crossed the Loire in boats and entered Orleans with the supplies; the rest of the troops were forced by a lack of boats to return to Blois and cross the river there.

1429, May 4 - After the remainder of the army arrived at Orleans, Lord Dunois launched an assault against the English-held fortifications around the church of St-Loup. Carrying her banner, Joan rode up and inspired the French troops to storm the position successfully.

1429, May 6 - French troops were brought across the river to attack the southern fortresses; St-Jean-le-Blanc was gained without a fight, followed by a successful assault against the English in Les Augustins.

1429, May 7 - Carrying her banner during an assault on the earthwork in front of Les Tourelles, Joan was shot by an arrow but later returned to inspire the troops to victory.

1429, May 8 - The English ordered all the remaining troops out of their positions, and abandoned the siege.

1429, May 11 - Joan met with Charles at Loches and convinced him to push forward toward Reims for his coronation.

1429, June 10 - Left Orleans with a new army gathered for the Loire Valley Campaign, designed to clear out the region before moving farther into enemy-held territory.

1429, June 11-12 - Her army captured Jargeau after a brief siege.

1429, June 15 - Her army took the fortified bridge at Meung-sur-Loire and then moved onward to Beaugency.

1429, June 17 - Beaugency's English garrison agreed to withdraw.

1429, June 18 - Her army crushed a large English force at the Battle of Patay, during which the English lost nearly half of their troops.

1429, June 29 - The army left Gien to begin the march to Reims.

1429, July 1-3 - The army camped near the pro-Burgundian city of Auxerre, which finally agreed to neutrality.

1429, July 5-9 The siege of Troyes, which surrendered on the 9th after Joan organized effective preparations for a full assault.

1429, July 14 - Chalons-sur-Marne immediately opened its gates to her army.

1429, July 16 - Reims opened its gates as her army approached.

1429, July 17 - Charles VII was crowned at Reims' Cathedral. Joan was at his side, holding her banner.

1429, July 21 to August 14 - The army took a meandering route west to Paris, accepting the surrender of towns along the way.

1429, August 15 - A long series of skirmishes with English troops under the Duke of Bedford. Both armies withdraw.

1429, September 8 - Her army launched a determined assault against Paris; Joan was shot by an arrow while trying to find a place for her troops to cross the city's moat. The troops were then withdrawn against her wishes.

1429, September 21 - After being ordered to march back to Gien-sur-Loire, the army was disbanded.

1429, November 4 - Given a new army, her troops captured the town of St-Pierre-le-Moutier.

1429, Late November to late December - La-Charite-sur-Loire was besieged; the army was finally forced to lift the siege due to a lack of funding from the Royal Court.

1429, December through late March 1430 - Stayed at various Royal chateaux.

1430, Late March - Left the Royal Court with a small number of troops and came to Lagny-sur-Marne to help the French army there.

1430, May 23 - Joan slipped into Compiegne, under siege by Burgundian troops, in an effort to aid the city. While leading a sortie in the late afternoon, she was surrounded and captured by Burgundian troops.

1430, November - The Burgundians agreed to transfer her to their English allies in exchange for the usual monetary compensation. The Burgundians refused demands from Charles VII to ransom her back to her own faction.

1430, December 23 - She was brought to Rouen, the seat of the English occupation government.

1431, January 9 - Her trial began, overseen by pro-English clergy paid by the English government.

1431, May 24 - Agreed to sign a "confession" after being threatened with summary execution.

1431, May 28 - After being maneuvered into putting her soldiers' clothing back on, she was declared "relapsed".

1431, May 30 - She was executed at Rouen. Eyewitnesses described how even some of the English officials wept; one of them, the English Royal secretary Jean Tressard, was heard exclaiming: "We are all ruined, for a good and holy person was burned."

1449, November - The process of appealing her case began after French forces entered Rouen. The clergyman Guillaume Bouille launched an investigation into the conduct of the trial.

1452, May - Inquisitor-General Jean Brehal began the Inquisitorial investigation and concluded that there were grounds for an appeal.

1455, November 17 - Beginning of the formal appeal, known as the Rehabilitation or Nullification Trial.

1456, July 7 - Inquisitor Brehal and other Church officials overturned Joan's conviction. In his final summary of the case, Brehal described Joan as a martyr who was wrongly executed by corrupt, partisan clergy abusing a Church trial for secular purposes. Since martyrs are automatically considered saints, her canonization was effectively initiated at this point.

1909 - Officially beatified after the typical lengthy delay.

1920 - Officially canonized as a saint.

Web Sites;
http://members.aol.com/hywwebsite/private/joanofarc.html - This is a very good site, it includes a full biography, letters, quotes from Joan of Arc, Family Tree, and much more

http://archive.joan-of-arc.org/ - This site contains biographies, trial excerpts and commentary, letter and other documents...English translations and transcriptions of the original lanuages.

http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08409c.htm - The Catholic Encyclopedia.

http://www.smu.edu/ijas/ - International Joan of Arc Society

Joan of ARC: By Herself & Her Witnesses by Régine Pernoud. This is one of the books which I used for my own research. Price: $13.56

Joan of Arc: Her Story by Regine Pernoud and Marie-Veronique Clin; translated by Jeremy duQuesnay Adams; edited by Prof. Bonnie Wheeler. Price: $19.56

Proces de Condamnation Et de Rehabilitation de Jeanne D'Arc Quicherat's classic work, hardcover version. Retail Price: $230.00; Service Charge: $5.00

Joan of Arc (paperback): by Mark Twain, $11.53 (CDN), Amazon.com

Hope this helps you out.

2006-09-30 21:39:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Google is what you want, but if this is for a class project, you might want to get both perspectives. At the time, she was believed by the English to be a heretic possessed by the devil, but to the French she was a saint.

2006-09-30 14:19:04 · answer #2 · answered by open4one 7 · 0 0

Do your own homework. Slacker.

2006-09-30 14:17:04 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Go to library.

2006-10-01 07:10:51 · answer #4 · answered by adit 2 · 0 0

go to the library.

2006-09-30 14:22:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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