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Forgive me if I'm wrong ,but isn't an organization that terrorizes people well..a terrorist organization?

2006-09-30 07:13:49 · 22 answers · asked by Mr.happy 4 in Politics & Government Politics

22 answers

First of all, they are both terrorist organizations. PETA often plants their own abused animals to find, blows up labratories that sometimes don't do animal testing, and generally causes mayhem. The KKK is still very much active, and if you think you don't see the results of their violence, please take the time look closer. Now. These groups are overlooked by citizens, the government, etc because number one, not everyone in the country is going to join up with PETA or KKK and turn against the entire nation, and number 2, when it comes to being attacked by another country, Americans team up like the brothers on the school bus - our fight, dont butt in, you wanna fight, youll fight us together. its a strange form of neo patriotism,

2006-09-30 07:32:32 · answer #1 · answered by Flamingpoptart 2 · 0 1

PETA is not a terrorist organization...they have never killed or tried to kill or hurt anyone. Members of the ALF (Animal Liberation Front) has been known to do damage to buildings where animal cuelty is being performed after freeing the animals inside where possible, and members of the ELF (Environmental Liberation Front) that have burned SUV's when noone was around. These activities are not sanctioned by either organization. PETA, however, only spreads informations and stages protests. PETA of course stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and it's goals are only that...that animals be treated ethically.

Under the Patriot Act, PETA has been treated as a terrorist organization, and has been routinely spied upon, infiltrated, searched, and sabotaged.

The KKK is an actual terrorist organization by any definition you want to use for 'terrorist'. They have not, however, had any of this happen to them. They have not been labeled a terrorist organization, have not had their various headquarters searched, been infiltrated, spied upon, or sabotaged. Most of the torturing, terroristic threatening, or murder performed by this group of people has gone ignored, with few exception, by both the Law and the media.

Many liberal groups, including Christian Churches that are just a bit too liberal, have been classified as terrorist organizations, and as such have had all of these things done to them. Basically, any group that has disagreed with this administration have been subject to the unconstitutional treatment allowed by the Patriot Act.

Perhaps we should also ask why the Bush Administration has not been classified as a terrorist organization, because they have killed or terrorized more people, more severely, than any other known terrorist organization, unless you count other world leaders, in which case, we will just have to wait and see how bad the effects from the Depleted Uranium munitions used in Iraq and Afghanistan are. It looks likely that the Bush administration will have killed more than all tyrants, governments, religions, terrorist organizations, etc in all of history combined. The radioactive equivalent of 250,000 Nagasaki Bombs have been used in Iraq during the second gulf war. These tiny particles have a radioactive half-life of 4.5 BILLION YEARS!

THAT's what I call terrorism!

As far as Super Shiraz's comments both here and everywhere he is seen, are always ridiculous, outlandish false accusations....Everything he says is along the lines of "All liberals are really aliens and plan on destroying all life on the planet" or "all liberals are terrorists" or "PETA blew up the White House 3 times!". He never has anything intelligent to say, just accusations so outlandish, that they are almost amusing....if they weren't so sad!

2006-09-30 07:30:17 · answer #2 · answered by corwynwulfhund 3 · 0 0

Peta Kkk

2017-01-14 11:53:46 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i think that the KKK wasn't classified as a terrorist organization at first because it was stated by judges and senators that were opposed to the civil war and didn't cause any real harm to people but later on they did as we all are aware of and the KKK is considered a a hate group as well as other racist organizations and as far as Peta well i haven't ever heard of them actually hurting any person they are watched by the government because they do target animal laboratories

2006-09-30 07:21:08 · answer #4 · answered by foxxylesley 2 · 1 0

Good point, but the ACLU will happily state that while their actions are questionable, as US citizens they are protected by the first amendment. which is designed, not to protect the speech we like, but to protect the speech we do not like.

As disgusting as either group is and as vile as their actions i have to agree. If we silence them, what is to stop a govt. 20 years down the road from deciding that a group you or I were a member of is really a terrorist cell.

The answer to groups like them is to stand up to them and highlight their idiocy. When the members cross the line then we call in the law, and strike them down as the criminals we can prove they are, not the terrorist ******* we see them as.

also The KKK predates most laws regarding terrorism and getting them reclassified would be a nightmare. and PETA for all its stupidity is relatively harmless, and usually hurts themsleves through its actions.

2006-09-30 07:23:01 · answer #5 · answered by janssen411 6 · 3 0

What point do you have to make here?

Are you suggesting that the Islamic Radical Terrorists are like PETA?

Other than ruining some perfectly good fur, PETA hardly qualifies.

As far as the KKK, yes, terrorism. Stopped that violence, in case you haven't heard. Now it's just poisonous rhetoric, but no more poisonous than the usual democrat nonsense.

2006-09-30 07:18:04 · answer #6 · answered by ? 7 · 4 2

Peta has made continually attacks on laboratories that have used animals for research and if these bafoons didnt realize if it wasnt for animal research we wouldnt have the medical technology we have now.They need to get jobs and be productive instead of assaulting people with fur coats and blowing up laboratories and vandalizing them.A terrorist is a terrorist..,pretty bad when they put animials over human rights and human life.I work so I cant sit on my fat butt and protest for animal rights..did you ever notice they are really ugly as well?

2006-09-30 07:19:09 · answer #7 · answered by halfbright 5 · 2 1

The KKK will never be listed as a terrorist group as the majority of KKK members are all people of high standing within the community (doctors, lawyers,judges etc) they are just to chicken to actually show thier faces

2006-09-30 07:17:36 · answer #8 · answered by gypsy 5 · 3 2

Because membership is predominantly Democratic. Remember, when you're a Democrat, the rules apply differently.

2006-09-30 07:41:39 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Same could be said of the Republican rallies...
Its an organization that terrorizes not only
Americans but folks overseas also...

2006-09-30 07:19:22 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

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