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I find myself to be more of a Libertarian as I get older. I think it is the least hypocritical party.

So, why can't one of them get elected to a high office?

2006-09-30 06:16:14 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

14 answers

I'm a Libertarian myself. Its more of a theory than a form of politics. But for a libertarian government to work in this country it would mean that there would be less and less rules...am I correct? that's what the party stands on right? and so this would imply that republican and democratic congressmen/women would need to forfeit their well paying 6 figure jobs and have to look for other work, because now they aren't needed in D.C.

Its quite simple, libertarians feel that government rules should be eliminated... which in turn eliminates all the now useless little by products of government like, committee for this and committee against this. And our senators and Representatives would be out of jobs...

gosh... i wish we did not have career politicians... that would help the contain the fire a little bit.

2006-09-30 06:36:41 · answer #1 · answered by Fres-YES!!! 3 · 0 0

What do you mean by a Libertarian can't get elected ?All you have to do is get more votes than the next guy, simple as that. I don't know of anybody who checks carefully to make sure the candidate is not a Libertarian before voting. If you told the average guy on the street that you're a Libertarian, he would think that you work at the library.

2006-09-30 06:30:44 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are just not enough Libertarians as there are Democrat and Republican, yet. My husband just decided that he is a Libertarian, and recently registered. Time will tell. I think more folk are considering the Libertarian party.

2006-09-30 06:19:50 · answer #3 · answered by Emma 3 · 0 0

I am an independent, basically a liberal thinking person. I would hope that in the very near future a person who is NOT dominated by Religion or Politics might possibly get elected to the PRESIDENCY. I am 77 years young and my view as to why the American public has not so far elected an open-minded person is two-fold. I have said for many years that most people are like a bunch of sheep,,,very easily led around by USEDCAR salesmen {POLITICIANS}. Probably the foremost reason an independent or lliberal thinking person cannot get elected is because of $$$$$$$$. Years ago the Republican party was the party of wealth. FACT. Nowdays both parties have a tremendous amount of $$$$$$. Not the average person, just a few very fortunate people. $$$$$$$ is power. $$$$$$$determines who will be elected in America. It should not be this way, nor does it have to be this way. It is just a FACT of life. Religion plays a very big fact as who will get elected. America now has blue states and Red states. The Red states are Republican, very religious states. Every state has religious people, and i do not condemn them for their religion. George Bush is a Born again Christian and he uses his so-called christianity very well. He easily influences people because he is a christian. People are afraid of change. Most people accept government as it is, because they are afraid of change. If our ancestors were afraid of change there would not be an America. Throughout the ages civilization has been led by a very few select individuals, a lot of these have not had the best of interests in regard to their own people. Hitler. Stalin, Hirohito and some others that i can not spell their names.The majority of people in America, including my wife believe that changing to an unknown party would not benefit us, but would probably make things worse. America under both parties has been taken into wars which the American public did NOT want any part of. L. Johnson democrat took us to VietNam, which we did not win, nor would we have ever been able to win. Bush has taken us to IRAQ, which we will NOT win this war. Clinton gave America NAFTA, which has not benefitted anyone except corporate America. Bush gave us CAFTA which only gives corporate America more $$$$$. Have you ever wondered why Politicians spend so much time and $$$to get reelected? Power is $$$$ and power is one hell of an ego trip. If you were already EXTREMELY wealthy would you want to be the President, NOT me, NO WAY. The Mayor of New York city, M. Bloomberg is very wealthy, and he also evidently has a BIG ego that has to be satisfied. The average person who i suspect you are, more than likely will NEVER become a Congressman nor the President even though you may be highly qualified, unless you are intelligent enough and wise enough to prove to the American people that you are just a honest to goodness person who cares about the American way of life. You are very fortunate to live in America and i assume you are considerably younger than myself. America is being destroyed by both of our political parties because of $$$$$. America is reverting back to what America was when i was a child. The VERY RICH & the VERY POOR. Both parties want this system no matter what they tell you. Neither party wants an independent party because neither party wants to see their POWER evaporate. An independent party has the potential of saving America. All of the leaders of both parties are more concerned with $$$$ and power. America is divided now more than it was during the civil war, because of $$$$ and power. In your statement that both parties are hypocritical is right. Both parties like USEDCAR salesmen will sell you a lemon from the git-go. Both parties have but one interest in mind and that is to make themselves very comfortable and to give themselves POWER. There are a number of orginizations on the internet that are trying to establish themselves so that Americans might well rid America of the two party system that does not at this time work for anyone EXCEPT CORPORATE America. I am reasonably sure that i have not really answered your question, but i gave it a shot. Good luck to you if you so desire to get into politics. Stick to your own thoughts. Do not become one of the sheep as most Americans are.If you are an open minded person go to the internet and discover what REALLY happened on 9/11. Back to the sheep people which i mentioned before that take for granted what our government tells us. Do NOT be naive, be curious and get enlightened for your future and your childrens future.

2006-09-30 09:10:22 · answer #4 · answered by old guy 1 · 0 0

If they'd drop the big legalization of drugs they would catch on like wild fire. Lets face it most of the country doesn't want drugs legalized and believes in some part on fighting the war on terror. But for the most part, I've got a pretty wide libertarian streak running through me.

2006-09-30 06:19:33 · answer #5 · answered by mad_mav70 6 · 0 0

I also find myself more of a libertarian as I grow in knowledge. The ONE sticking point with the party is their legalized drug platform. Dump that and anything would be possible.

2006-09-30 06:20:07 · answer #6 · answered by rikv77 3 · 0 0

Because the people who get elected to government office (i.e. Republicans and Democrats) set the election laws and don't want pesky third parties interfering

2006-09-30 06:18:19 · answer #7 · answered by LorgSkyegon 2 · 1 0

I'm not saying libritarian is wrong, but its full of uneducated slobs in my area. why would i elect the guy who owns freds garage to run my government when he can barely fix a car?

find my problem with them is their lack of restriction on Drugs. There are to many losers in the states already, adding a few more by making it legal doesn't make any sense to me.

2006-09-30 06:24:04 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Political parties are merely an illusion. Bush and other presidents are elected ONLY by THIS secret and evil group that is in control of everything for far too long!...

2006-09-30 17:24:31 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because there are so many Republicans and Democrats and so few Libertarians. Plus, there are too many white racist ("skinhead") Libertarians.

2006-09-30 06:24:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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