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and he was a complete ****, but you both wanted to give it another go, but a friend told you to dump him, and would not accept you giving it another go, what would you do.........

2006-09-30 05:05:47 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Friends

34 answers

It's your decision. Friends are real friends if they can listen to you when you are upset. They are friends when they can handle when you are happy with your partner and upset with your partner without making you decide that you have to leave him. That is all up to you. You decide if the good in your relationship outweighs the bad. No relationship is perfect. It does not exist. People get divorced too easily these days. If I have 4 good days a week with my hubby I am happy because he is a good provider and when he is happy he makes me feel like a queen. It would be different if he was abusive. I would definitely live his *** !

2006-09-30 05:12:41 · answer #1 · answered by Here I am 2 · 0 1

Well, you're not married to your friend.

However, it's worth listening to your friend's reasons, even if you don't agree. At least respect the fact that your friend is being honest with you, even though he or she knows it's not what you want to hear.

But if he's "a complete ****", why do you want to be with him? Love is only the starting point for a marriage; it isn't realistic to think that that's enough to maintain it. The way you worded your question makes me think you don't have respect for him, which is a pretty good indicator of a relationship that will not work out.

2006-09-30 05:13:18 · answer #2 · answered by jinti 4 · 0 0

All marriages go through ups and downs. Now whether you will give it another chance or not depends soley on you. You are the one that will decide if you can forgive and move on with this person.
Always "filter" what others have to say about your relationship/marriage.
Best of luck to you.

2006-09-30 05:09:50 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would give it another try at least that way if it doesn't work out then at least you can walk away from it and can say at least i tried but what I would like to know is why your "friend" wants you to dump him? Does she have an interest in him and want him for herself, normally a friend will try and stay out of it, mine would. Go with your heart but don't let your friend try and persuade you differently.

2006-09-30 05:31:25 · answer #4 · answered by GaryUKB 3 · 0 0

I think it all depends on what your spouse did. If it's something you can work out together, then give the marriage a second chance. If it's something like infidelity, then it all depends on you.
Remember marriage is tough, not all peaches and cream. Try working it out to the fullest and/or maybe get some counseling from a church or marriage counselor.

2006-09-30 05:11:21 · answer #5 · answered by bornagain 2 · 0 0

Friends come & go. Spouses are supposed to stay together. If you can accept his being a complete "ars" and you both wanted to really try again, forgiving whatever the other did or said. Then save the marriage & tell the "friend" thanks for the input, but it's your marriage & they have NO say in it.

2006-09-30 05:10:51 · answer #6 · answered by grrl 7 · 0 1

You aren't living with your friend, you need to choose for yourself, don't let anyone pressure you and that includes your spouse! Decide what's best for you. It's not a matter of choosing between your spouse or your friend. A good friend should be there for you no matter what you choose, perhaps you should dump both of them, or perhaps your friend is the reason your marriage has failed??

2006-09-30 05:08:24 · answer #7 · answered by Princess415 4 · 1 0

Hi do what your heart tells you and unless you trust you friend 100% then listen to her if not do what you want to do. Because some friends only tell you what they want you to do, especially if there are putting stuff into your head which is causing you to have marrage problems.

Also it depends what your husband has done and if it was bad enough to give your marraige up.

2006-09-30 05:09:07 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'd tell my friend to go shove it. Is this friend a single friend? I suspect she is. Misery loves company and she wants someone to go out and party with. She's selfish and you don't need friends like that.

Now, if the man is cheating on you or beating you....then that is another story and your friend is probably trying to protect you. (And if that is the case, ditch the hubby.)

2006-09-30 05:10:23 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

fact that u called him a complete **** kinda tells it all girl.... but then you did marry him for a reason, we are all good at giving advice but if your mate was in your shoes and u was telling her what to do would she do it "nope", this is your life and yes you may make mistakes but by making those mistakes you are learning and getting wiser... leave your mate out of the picture for a mo...what do you want, if u love him (in a partner way not just love because u have been with him so long) then try....put it this way what do you have to lose by leaving and what do you have to gain by giving it another shot... good luck...and please don't waste your life trying to love a person u know in you heart is not the one for u, for he will be out there somewhere....!!!!!!

2006-09-30 10:23:33 · answer #10 · answered by thenickistar 3 · 0 0

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