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im 11.my mom and step dad have beem fighting like crazy.my stepbrother said his dad would not let his mom (stepbrothers mom) do anything.my mom talked to a freind before cuming home for 40 minutes and my dumb stepdad yelled at her for it. a month ago he locked her out of their room and she pounded on the door wanting to come in and he came bursting through the door and said i told u to get away from the f'n door and he pushed her and she hit her head and almost had a concusian and my stepsister made her feel better but i lost my temper and attacked him and he smacked me across the face. now he yells at her about putting him 2nd and the kids 1st. im scared he is ganna hit my mom again and i am tryin g to get my mom to divorce him but she says no and she says he is a nice guy and i think that is bull ****. they argue all the time. and i dont know want to do. how do i get them to divorce?

2006-09-30 04:05:03 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

17 answers

You should call the police and tell them whats going on. Or tell someone you trust, before it get any worst. But be careful I don't want nothing to happen to you guys. Any more question email me

Please be careful. I don,t want him to hurt you.

2006-09-30 05:00:00 · answer #1 · answered by erilso 2 · 1 0

Your hands are not tied. Even at 11 you have the right to be happy. He is not a nice guy and your thoughts are there for a reason. I am just somone who come across this but i see that you are concerned and you need to be. Do you have someone that you can go to? if so call them to come and get you! If you do not then do this. Call the police and tell them that you feel un safe in the house and your step dad hit you and your mother but your mother will not leave but you want to leave cause you are scared. Things are going to get worse and i hate to think what might could happen if you stay. Your hand is out and there are lots of people who care and we do not even know you but we have seen on the news what happens if you stay. This is a time for you to shine as a young adult to be. Get someone else involved who can help. This all is not normal. Life is better than this. She does not have the right to make you stay when she wants too. Leave and find help. You are doing anything wrong. Hun this is not something that you can fix. If this is as bad as you say it is call the police now. Let them deal with this. don't try and confront them yourself. Just call the ploice that is what they are for........ Please Call them right now.....Please...

2006-09-30 04:16:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Oh honey, I know exactly how you feel. I'm 51 now, but I still remember all the terrible childhood memories, when my dad was beating my mom. He never hit us, but he beat my mom with a closed fist. As a child you end up blaming yourself. I did, my brothers and sisters did as well. It took lots of couseling before I realized that they were the adults and I was the child and I was NOT to blame. I also begged my mother to divorce my dad. But this was in the day and age where spouce abuse was not looked upon as anything wrong. There was no help for women. So my mother, bless her heart, endured over 35 years of abuse. She had no choice. Six children, a 6th grade education and no where to go. Abuse is abuse. Your mom needs to see that. He is abusing her and you. He had NO RIGHT to push yoru mom OR to slap you. Next time anything like this happens, call the cops. Don't hesitate. Go to a neighbors house and call if you have to. Don't let this kind of behavior continue. If you feel you can't do that, then talk to your pastor, or couselor at school. Anyone that can help you with your situation. Honey, you can't make them get a divorce. They are consenting adults. Your mom is accepting this when she shouldn't. But you can't change that. Is there anyway you could go and live with your Dad? If I were you, I would think about doing that. Sounds like your mom has made up her mind about staying with this man. A "nice guy" as she calls him, does not push, shove, hit or slap a women. I feel for you, bless your heart.

2006-09-30 07:02:13 · answer #3 · answered by older&wiserforit 4 · 0 0

Sweetie there really isn't to much u can do to make them get divorced. I'm sorry your in this kindof situation. I think it's sad when children ur age have to watch grown adults agrue like that. It affects the children and if they were real adults they wouldn't do it in front of you. And your concerns are very real if he's already pushed her and made her hit her head. It will only get worse from there. And I'm sure afterwards he was really sorry and blah blah. And ur mom is all good w/ it. b/c when someone is in a situation like that they dont' see the danger are the harm. She thinks it was a one time thing and he is sorry and wont do it again. But that's never the case it starts out small and grows into something big. Sweetie maybe you can sit ur mom down and tell her how scared this has you and how upset it makes u. Tell her ur worried he may hit her again. But all in all it's gonna be up to ur mom. Maybe just maybe if she see's how bad this is affectin u she might do something to make the situation better. Best of luck to u. Don't let them get u down ok. Keep ur head help high.

2006-09-30 04:11:15 · answer #4 · answered by Kimberly 2 · 1 1

Hey kiddo, you cant make your parents get a divorce. It is just going to make things harder on your mom. You need to remember your mom loves you. And she always will. She is just making some really bad choices right now and I am sure you will do the same as you get older. The catch...if he is controlling, use your moms love for you....tell her she needs to spend more time with you ...ie...take you to lunch......make a day of it. He probably wont like it. You can have that opportunity to tell you mom that the situation frightnes you and see what she says. There might be more going on then you know. The thing that bothers me more so is the fact that he had the nerve to lay his filthy little hands on a child. That is something to take to children and families. They have the power to order a separation from him if she doesnt want to lose her kids. You need to sit down with your mom and talk to her before making that move though. I hope this helps at least a bit.

2006-09-30 04:12:01 · answer #5 · answered by Languastina 2 · 1 1

I know that you hate to see them fight like cats and dogs but on the other had you have no control of what two adults do with their love life!!! But, with all this violence going on someone can get really hurt or worse!!!!!!!! Has the police ever been called during one of your parents fights? If, so it up to you and the other kids to call them when something like this is taken place and since your parent and step parent refuse to be an adult you or someone else in that household will!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-09-30 04:11:19 · answer #6 · answered by Ipsy 2 · 1 1

If he slapped you and she didnt step up, shes not gonna leave him. He sounds like a major *******.
I dont think there is anything that is gonna MAKE them divorce. She has to realize it on her own. But the more she lets him get away with, the more he will continue to do.
If he does hit you again or you see him hit her, tell a teacher/counselor at school.

2006-09-30 04:09:59 · answer #7 · answered by JC 7 · 2 1

I think you should ring Childline (or whatever it's called where you live - it's a free phone line for kids with problems to ring and talk to a caring adult) about all this. It's too much for an 11-year old to go through by her or himself.

2006-09-30 04:11:02 · answer #8 · answered by crosbie 4 · 0 1

wow 11 yrsold that is really a tender age to be defending your mom,you must be a Good kid to love your mom so much,But you can not let him slap you again you tell some one any one at school at church a grandparent aunt any one ,Your Mom isnt going to divorce him but he needs tokeep his hands off of you

2006-09-30 04:19:25 · answer #9 · answered by just_me_1955 5 · 0 0

Don't try to get in the middle of it. Tell the authorities about it. Call the police and explain the situation.

2006-09-30 04:08:31 · answer #10 · answered by Ha Ha! 3 · 1 0

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