Oh yes. Our dreams are part of our reality. There are not two totally separate "worlds" that we inhabit, but only one seamless reality with very different, very rich aspects. You dreams can be the way that you explore one of these aspects and learn and grow as a person. The key is in how you come to understand your dreams. There are books of varying quality (as always) on this subject of dream interpretation. But you can help yourself by starting to keep a little notebook or journal by your bed. When you wake up, record your dreams and any quick thoughts you have about them. In time, you will begin to see patterns and make your own connections, because after all, no one knows the dream better than the dreamer.
2006-09-30 03:04:12
answer #1
answered by Isis 7
Sometimes my dreams (during the day) influence my decisions as well.
2006-09-30 09:59:31
answer #2
answered by Teacher Man 6
No not at all, my dreams are so wierd. If I followed the path that my dreams took, I would have to be in a fantasy or sci-fi world. I remember 1-2 dreams per night, and they are usually quite lucid.
But I have to say, they'd make for very interesting books!
2006-09-30 10:05:40
answer #3
answered by ? 6
Definitely. Sometimes God speaks to me in my dreams.
In other instances, my dreams allow me to know what is on my mind or what I am worried about, and to make more reasonable decisions based upon what I know about my own personal dream symbolism and psychology.
2006-09-30 16:00:59
answer #4
answered by LL 4
Yes, I dream that I won a $1,000,000 gambling. I went gambling the next day and lost $1,000
The following day I dream that I got shi-t on. I took a walk and found $20
2006-09-30 10:01:37
answer #5
answered by Taco 3
yes, it happens to many famous ppl too, and we are no different...many time when I'm in a crisis in my life....a solution comes in my dream...and I act on it! and its usually a very good solution! Einstein had used some of this dreams for solving a problem...I think that is just so cool....
2006-09-30 09:59:23
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Possibly, but they are probably more influenced by what you had for supper.
2006-09-30 09:59:59
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
maybe made me think about something but never made me decide to go one way or another.
2006-09-30 10:00:31
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
a lot of times.
2006-09-30 09:59:47
answer #9
answered by Anonymous