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how much longer could it take her,because when she is on her stomach she gives me a hard time and still doesn't like it.

2006-09-30 02:10:41 · 14 answers · asked by justdaynjay 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

14 answers

my son didn't crawl until he was a year. relax don't rush it just enjoy your baby. it bothers me when i see moms who act like their kids have to be superbabies and outdo everone else. just let her be and go at her own pace, not the one you set for her.

2006-09-30 06:50:04 · answer #1 · answered by 1 Hott Mami 4 · 0 0

My baby will be 9 months in a week or two and still not crawling. He is a big baby and there is some truth in first responders comment only that it doesnt mean your overfeeding your child or that they are overweight. Bigger babies just have a harder time getting around.

But his Pedi wasnt concerned at his last check up and told us that he might not ever crawl he may just go straight to walking.

As far as tummy time goes. The other moms are right in saying if she is not getting enough she's not just going to pick it up but easier said than done. My baby hates tummy time and so, naturally I do too. No one wants to play with their baby while they are screaming!

So I guess my answer to you is ... She might not ever do it! But that's okay, you can start working on standing up and cruising. And then instead of feeling bad when your comparing your child to someone elses (face it we all do it and we always will) you'll feel good cause your child is walking sooner =) Good luck, just enjoy your baby girl, soon you'll be wishin she was imobile like she is now =)


2006-09-30 09:29:06 · answer #2 · answered by BreeCan2 2 · 0 0

Everything sounds normal to me! Every baby grow and develops differently and yours sound to be at the right pace. Trust me, I am a mother of 5 and believe me....enjoy it now. Once she learns how crawl, it's pretty much over from there. The adventures will not ever end. In the mean time be patient and continue to give her tummy time, this position usually helps them with their development skills even if done as early as a few days old. Place her favorite toys or other safe objects that you know she will be curious about in front of her to encourage her to reach for them. You can even help her get on all fours if she hasn't started pushing up on her own. Lots of babies I 've notice like to rock back and forth while in this position before they begin to push off. You can also crawl around yourself and make a little game out of it Also, while you are down there you might as well see what it is like from her eye view to make sure there aren't any harmful things that you wouldn't want her to get into before she actually do starts to crawl. Like I said before, just be patient with her and enjoy this moment because it only last for a very short time and as she grow you'll have many more other things to worry about as well.

2006-09-30 12:37:11 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Trust the parents answering this.... in a sense. Some babies walk before they start crawling. Two of my boys walked before they were crawling and one did not walk until his first birthday. Every baby is different. My grandson will be 8 mos in October also and he is not crawling. Enjoy it right now because once they are crawling they are in everything... busy fingers picking up things and putting things in their mouth. Parenting Magazine for October actually have an article in there saying the same exact thing about babies not crawling before they walk.

Good Luck with Baby Girl


2006-09-30 09:44:34 · answer #4 · answered by Sassy Shut Your Mouth 5 · 0 0

It's normal. Why are you wanting to push this? Be patient for crying out loud! Man, pushy mommy. That would suck to be your daughter, really. Think about it!
My baby is almost 7 months old and not CLOSE to crawling!

It takes time, patience, and their interest and desire. You can encourage it by putting her on her hands and knees and holding her there, GENTLY, but do not force her or make her cry doing this! That is totally wrong.

Just like you learn certain things at difference paces so does she. There's no big rush. Before you know it she'll be crawling and getting into everything and you'll miss the days when she couldn't crawl!

2006-09-30 09:14:16 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

this isn't abnormal.. some kids crawl at 6mths and some don't crawl until 10 mths.. weight is also an issue, if you have a large baby then it will take her longer.. don't rush it .. mylittle girl is 9 mths old and trying to walk and i wish i could rewind her to before she started crawling.. get ready bc when they do start crawling you'll will be ob your toes from there on out... trust me i have a 2 1/2 yr old son too... so get ready and don't rush .. also some babies never crawl at all they just start pulling up and walking around

2006-09-30 09:57:24 · answer #6 · answered by gardener24 3 · 0 0

She might go straight to cruising and walking. There are many babies that never crawl. Come to think of it, my kids did not crawl until about 8 months either.

2006-09-30 09:52:01 · answer #7 · answered by KathyS 7 · 0 0

It's normal for some babies to never crawl. They go from sitting to standing to walking. 2 of my children nevered crawled. One scooted on his stomach for awhile and another just stood up and started taking steps.

Just let your baby grow naturally and encourage whatever attempts she makes to either crawl or walk.'

2006-09-30 09:19:53 · answer #8 · answered by Bluealt 7 · 2 0

When she's ready. Don't rush her there's penty of time for growing up. Before you know it she'll be walking. One of mine didn't hardly crawl at all he went straight to walking. The other crawled like a madman because he could crawl faster than he could walk.

2006-09-30 09:13:18 · answer #9 · answered by beatnik 3 · 3 0

let her work it out on her own. put toys around her and don't run to her the second she stars to fuss. does she roll yet? some babies never crawl, they go straight to walking or they crawl in a less conventional way. if it concerns you you could always bring it up to the pediatrician to make sure she isn't developmentally behind but it is perfectly normal to not be crawling yet.

2006-09-30 09:21:03 · answer #10 · answered by jcleary555 2 · 0 1

She doesnt like being on her stomach because she hasnt learned how to move herself, and roll herself over from there.

Its normal for a baby to fuss about tummy time, it happens to a lot of babies. You should get on the floor and lay with her, provide her with enough toys, and prop her chest up on a pillow so her arms can hang off and reach things.

She's not going to suddenly start crawling if she doesnt get tummy time. Its how that process works.

Just because she's fussing from being on her tummy doesnt mean you need to react to it, or pick her up and move her. She needs to learn that she can explore her world and touch and see things when on her belly.

2006-09-30 09:16:35 · answer #11 · answered by amosunknown 7 · 2 0

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