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Speak your mind openly please?

2006-09-30 01:34:15 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

There are so many thoughtful answers here, I thank you for them. However why can so many not stand to hear the truth?

2006-09-30 04:01:55 · update #1

21 answers

Black America has long been maligned by the systemic racism of Western culture..specifically White western culture. My father used to say "You can't blame the welfare state for the welfare state".. as such I believe that a great majority of African Americans have created their own set of cultural rules.. including a distanced relationship to "White" morality.. which is to say "Act moral, but do whatever you want when no one can see you" .. People of color aren't stupid, of course they've recognized this do as I say not as I do approach and have adjusted accordingly.. I think African Americans as such are much more "human" in there life style.. and what's more fun then sex ?.. marriage is just an old precept from colonial imperialism.. why should they follow it ?
I wonder what the stats would be for White, Latino and Asian Americans ?

PS..anyone on here saying that it's a welfare thing..IE.. more kids=more free money is playing right into that systemic racism that I was referring to.. if you've ever spent one minute in a social services office or tried to feed a family of 5 on450.00 worth of food stamps in a month..you'd know that that was pure Bullsh!t..

2006-09-30 01:44:15 · answer #1 · answered by hardartsystems 3 · 3 3

The difference is only one of degree. The rates of white and black births out of wedlock have greatly increased since 1970. Part of the problem is the fact that so many young black men are unemployed or underemployed, and so many are in jail or have criminal records. If the women waited until the men got their feet on the ground economically, the women would be too old to have children.

Here's a good study that analyzes the impact of welfare:

"welfare benefits could not have played a major role in the rise of out-of-wedlock births because benefits rose sharply in the 1960s and then fell in the 1970s and 1980s, when out-of-wedlock births rose most. A study by Robert Moffitt in 1992 also found that welfare benefits can account for only a small fraction of the rise in the out-of-wedlock birth ratio.

And they posit an interesting theory based on statistics, not on liberal or conservative views of society!

"about 75 percent of the increase in the white out-of-wedlock first-birth rate, and about 60 percent of the black increase, between 1965 and 1990 is directly attributable to the decline in shotgun marriages."


2006-09-30 08:39:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Hmmm, I would assert the answer is a coupling of a number of complex and interrelated factors.

African Americans historically have valued the institution of marriage and have favored the traditional two-parent family. In 1890, even though slavery was separating two parent headed families, nearly 80% African American families were married. One hundred years later the percentage of married-couple African American families had dropped to 39%. What happened?

Some segments of the African American population more readily accept premarital sex and out of wedlock births, this is true.

But, while I am not trying to rescue anyone here, poor and unemployed families have increased significantly over the past 20 years. Because parents (usually males) leave to form other families, because single parents must form independant households, and because of rapid technological changes, millions of unskilled laborers have fallen into the ranks of the poor and unemployed. I read that African American males are eight times more likely to marry the mother of thier child given he has a job...adolescents from families with higher incomes perceive themselves as more likable and lovable and as having higher self-control. A million different studies have proven that for all races and cultures of people.

Another point and I guess this does fall into the "cultural" difference part of your question, but really, I would rather classify it as more of a CONSEQUENTIAL point: The staggering number of unwed mothers trying to raise African American MALES is having a devestating toll on the male youth. Boys with married parents have higher overall self-esteem compared with boys with nonmarried parents, even when family income and family functioning were taken into consideration. In a two-parent home, the balance between the mother's and father's different socializing patterns may be what keeps the self-esteem of both sexes relatively equal, and when the father is absent, the mother struggles to provide and make up for a VITAL component in every boy's life...a father. I am not suggesting that all male children living in single-parent homes are suffering from low self-esteem, just as not all children living with married parents are doing well. However, the role fathers play in socializing their children is very important. Generation after generation of African American males are being raised now, into poverty, and without a father. Imagine looking at this world and trying to find the light at the end of the tunnel. It would be challenging and difficult to say the least. Parents need to become more aware of the family factors that affect male and female children differently ~ and while both genders can and may suffer, fact is, males are at higher risk and we should do more as a nation to raise public awareness.

2006-09-30 09:01:00 · answer #3 · answered by lovemcss 3 · 0 1

I hesitate to say it is cultural differences. I think it is more of a class thing. There are strong incentives for poor mothers to not marry. Single mothers can get low income housing and various forms of assistance. If they get married, the increase in family income may make them lose eligibility for many benefits. Just having a male present can exclude a woman from certain programs. There is also an issue with the number of black men who are incarcerated. there is really no point at all to marrying a man who cannot be with the family and has nothing to offer financially.

These factors apply to poor people of any race. It is most obvious with blacks, simply because the poverty rate is higher in the black population.

2006-09-30 08:45:21 · answer #4 · answered by Kuji 7 · 2 2

Careless Morality for sure....but it not just Black Americans...ALL Americans have fallen prey to it...... Cultural Differences ?........that make no sense to me precious.....Why would one race choose to have only one parent raise a child.....I refuse to believe that would be a reason for that. Honey, we are not that damn different when it comes to our families and children and what we want for them, what makes us feel loved and secure. I really wish people would stop asking questions like this when it comes to diff cultures. Some things are "universal" needs, wants and desires. In it comes to those issues we ALL need the the same things. Sorry if I upset you sweetness. Also sorry for the cuss words.....maybe I was being too hard, but I think we ALL could do a little more

2006-09-30 08:46:56 · answer #5 · answered by Michael H 2 · 0 3

When people are hungry, their sex drive increases. This is a natural instinct for survival, regardless of race.

I propose that it is not just black Americans, but all Americans who have insufficient nutrition. It is hard to say for certain without seeing the study.

So it is the fault of conservatives for depriving Americans of decent nutrition.

"Every dollar spent on war, takes $1 of food out of the mouths of children". Republican President Dwight D. Eisonhower.

2006-09-30 08:46:45 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Racist. The figure for white Americans is nearly as high. And having a child out of wedlock hasn't been a bid deal since the fifties.

2006-09-30 08:38:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

It is a plot to increase the population of the black minority's in America .Slowly Adapt the culture to a more African based Muslim agenda in the future .
But America is fighting back and letting millions of Mexican Catholics into the country to combat this plan .
The wealthy white power base will continue to keep the lower classes struggling against one another .
They allow gangs and violence in the streets to influence Public opinion of minority groups in america .
The asian groups tend to be treated much better then the rest if you have not noticed . They tend to live together in large family groups work hard and save money to assimilate into the culture that is unique to America .One in which money is the equalizer.
Many blacks have been afforded the oppertunity to help the black community out of their common problems .Drugs ,and alcohol abuse are rampant among young rich black athletes ,musicians and movie stars .There white investment managers tend to have them start scholarship funds and donate to cure diseaces in the community or africa .
Rather then promote direct investment in black owned business they opt for a more white approach to the problem .Blaming education and drug Abuse as the reason blacks do not rise out of poverty .They convince the blacks with money to provide daycare and after hours programs start youth leagues for sports and never get them to invest in the real problems of poverty.
If the black community is ever going to change it will be from low intrest loans to build better homes and community's that provide goods and services to others outside the black community .
No amount of free lunches and day care is going to solve this problem .
Blacks need to take control of there own future and anything the white man has done is the wrong approach and should be abandoned .

2006-09-30 08:55:32 · answer #8 · answered by playtoofast 6 · 1 3


2006-09-30 08:36:34 · answer #9 · answered by ROCKSTAR 2 · 0 3

it's the governments fault.

we the people told the government to give welfare money (now called TANF - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) to anyone earning at or below the poverty level of income. The formula is based on the number of children in the household and the more kids you have the more money you get.

then there is the child support division. if daddy can't be found then the state should kick in some extra money (above and beyond the TANF funds) for each child.

This and the lack of education given to blacks and hispanics caused the women to realize that I don't need a job. I just need to pump out lots and lots of babies. Don't need to worry about raising them just pump em out as fast as I can.

their children learned the trick and started getting their own children and their own checks as soon as age 12.

the government needs to say. hey there, we will help you with the first child and reduce the amount if you have more. but then the democrats say hey, you can't do that, it's not right.

do you agree or disagree with me? would like to know.

2006-09-30 08:42:07 · answer #10 · answered by oldsoftee2001 6 · 1 4

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