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Recently bought these great high heel shoes but they're so loud on hardwood or concrete. I like to be discrete so if there's a home remedy I can use to make them quieter that'll be great. If it doesn't involve going to the shoe repair store...even better! Thanks in advance.

2006-09-29 17:57:07 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

4 answers

Cut a little piece of rubber and crazy glue it to the heel.

If its an emergency repair use a piece of cloth.

And if you have time, use sand paper, and then add a little crazy glue wait for it to dry and voila.

2006-09-29 18:28:40 · answer #1 · answered by Griller 2 · 21 1

If you are planning to start on your woodworking project, this isn't something you should use, it's something that you would be insane not to. Go here https://tr.im/qRVAi
Truth is, I've been a carpenter for almost 36 years, and I haven't found anything like this for less than 10's of thousands of dollars.

2016-02-07 07:59:50 · answer #2 · answered by Ilse 3 · 0 0

Take a piece of coarse sandpaper and sand down the hardest most solid part of the heels and/or ball part of the soul of the shoe, just sand down a little until the clickity clack sound is more muffled.

2006-09-29 18:07:43 · answer #3 · answered by odafintutuola 3 · 8 0


2017-01-26 11:00:26 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Take them off.
Really though, you can't really help the noise that shoes make. The sole of the shoe combined with the force that your body places on the sole will make the sound, also the fact that hardwood floors and concrete are hard surfaces, you must expect that a noise will be made. You could try to convince a shoemaker to put rubber soles on your shoes but you may end up messing up a really nice pair of heels.
Good luck.

2006-09-29 18:05:57 · answer #5 · answered by s0pyr0mami 1 · 5 6

--->> Tips---> https://trimurl.im/h8/how-to-make-loud-shoes-quieter

2015-08-04 10:32:07 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i used to have this problem all the time, and it's so easy to fix. scuff up the bottoms of the shoes with a little sand paper, clean them thoroughly and super glue felt that you've pre-cut to match the bottoms of your shoes. don't forget to glue felt to the back heel too, or your shoes won't be level

2006-09-29 18:09:51 · answer #7 · answered by kore_isso 2 · 7 2

Um??? put baby powder on the bottom?

2006-09-29 18:04:50 · answer #8 · answered by idontknow 4 · 1 13

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