Not sure if you should gets meds or not, but I would try to get to the root of the problem....I`m surely not a dr. but you might ask one for trivial, or xanax depending on your age
2006-09-29 18:09:32
answer #1
answered by Sandra♥ 5
You need to see a psychiatrist if you are not already seeing one and get him/her to either change your medication or increase the dosage. The meds should be working, but you need to continue to follow up with your doctor to make sure they are working properly. Do not use a general doctor, use a specialist that knows what they are doing. I take Lexapro and love it. I take 30 ml a day.
2006-09-30 00:50:28
answer #2
answered by frr_ls 2
my suggestion would be to go see a psychiatrist that's what i did and it helped alot. they more then likely will try a depression med and a anxiety med like klonopin that works well or xanax. i take klonopin and it helps. my friend had extreme anxiety she cant work,drive and other problems she is on klonopin and it has helped a great deal. psychiatrist are better educated in the right medications. good luck to you.
2006-09-30 00:29:27
answer #3
answered by lnay69 3
~~if the meds you are on are not working you need to speak to your doctor about a med change. if your doctor won't change your meds, you need to get a new doctor. (paxil didn't work for me either)~~
2006-09-30 00:20:25
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
See this site for an excellent alternative.
2006-09-30 00:35:45
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
This helped me a lot.
2006-09-30 11:21:35
answer #6
answered by lollipoppett2005 6