You may have a chemical imbalance that makes you feel sad. Your intellect tells you that this is a good time of your life, but your emotions don't feel it. Please see a doctor and explain this. Don't be embarrassed or ashamed. Its not your fault. Good luck to you.
2006-09-29 14:48:46
answer #1
answered by farahwonderland2005 5
Well I think you have received some very valuable advice and should heed it...
I also think being a senior has something to do with it. What happens after graduation? What are your expectations? Do they scare you or are you up to the challenge? That's pretty scary. When I graduated from HS it was worse. There were no jobs, the lucky ones went on to college and the others married! I eventually got a reasonable job with the phone company and that made me a little more confident that at least I was "in the loop" of things and not going to spend the rest of my life as a supermarket cashier headed for the altar and which -in my brain- was a direct ticket to poverty. I remained single and worked and it gave me a sense of well being. If I had to live my life again I would join the Navy medics and if not active duty then in reserve status..for the free training. Or, I would do whatever it took to get into the Foreign Service...just for the adventure of it all. It is important to feel a part of something bigger and that you can picture a future for yourself, by yourself and not thru anyone but yourself... to make you strong and confident. Good luck.
2006-09-29 22:31:28
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You may never know why you became depressed, but you can work with a therapist to try and find out. From your description of your depression, it sounds like medication will definitely help you. Any medication your doctor prescribes could take 2-3 weeks to work so give it time. Getting the right medication is sometimes a bit of trial and error so don't give up if the first one doesn't work.
I was a junior in college when my depression started very similar to yours. I was normally an A student, but that semester I was failing most of my classes. About 5 weeks before the end of the semester I started taking Zoloft. By the end of the semester I pulled all of my grades up to a B. The following semester I was back to my A status.
I believe medication will help you too. Please see your doctor as soon as possible. The sooner you start taking medication, the sooner you will feel better.
By the way, I believe that teenage years are amoung the toughest of your life. You have to deal with unstable hormones, adults who try to control you while you want to be independent, and you are getting close to a major change in your life. Those are all sufficient stressors to cause depression. Keep smiling, I'm sure life will get better soon.
2006-09-29 22:03:43
answer #3
answered by Gypsy Girl 7
I don't want to make you feel worse by saying that, but: Those are not the best years of your life at all. Highschool and up to about 25 can be really tough and stressful. I sympathize with you. I had such a hard time in those years myelf. And that may be the very reason for your deperession: You may not think you re, but the fact is that you are under a lot of pressure, and you wouldn't believe how much damage that creeping, permanent stress can do to your soul - hence your depresion. It's great of you to try and keep up a cheerful facade, but that also makes you more stressed. My advice would be: Find someone who is willing to accept you for who you are (like a best friend), and talk to them; talk till you're afraid their ears might fall off. It's the thing that helps. And it's best if that person is a bit older. They'll understand, they'll know how you feel. And most of all: Give in to it. It's all right! It's right to be sad when life is hard. Just admit it to yourself, and have the courage to show your sadness. People will come to your help when they realize that you need it.
And listen to me:
2006-09-29 21:59:28
answer #4
answered by Susanne 2
Well, I would first tell you that you are not alone. Its very normal for depression to pop up in Highschool. Stress/change can be a big factor. What we need to find out is if your depression is genetic or if its situational. Do you happen to know if one of your parents suffer from depression? If so, you may be genetically predisposed to it. Medication is the key here. It may be something that you only will have to take until you stop feeling so blue But, I would really reccomend seeing a Dr. and print out your Question and show it to him. They will help you. Confide with someone that you trust. Promise that you will get help. I hate to see you waste one more day of your senior year feeling this way.
Do, you ever feel like giving up? Hopeless? Then, right away call your MD and let them help you. You are not in this alone.
2006-10-01 01:28:13
answer #5
answered by Psychogirlfrog 4
Life definitely has its ups and downs always remember that. I think at the age you are, it's hard to see around the corner to what's next. You are coming to the end of high school, and hopefully starting college soon. The comforts you've had for years will be changing. Try to make some short term goals that lead to a few different paths you may want to explore. I would definitely start to research which options you will soon have available. This will build excitement and knowledge about which actions you may take that affect your future. The next few years of your life couldn't be more important. Be careful with your life and find those many things you will have to look forward to.
2006-09-29 21:59:59
answer #6
answered by dingbat 3
I need to type this in a file and copy and paste it when it is needed.
There is a technique, new to me, called EFT. Go to and download the free manual. It is sort of a acupuncture thing but no needles, you just tap yourself in a sequence.
If you can't afford the $60 + S&H for the videos, try to do it via the manual. It is not easy without the videos. But, I will tell you the force you tap is hard but don't bruise yourself, and tap around 3 times a second.
You need to learn the comments to make while tapping. My son is using it, and it works great on some when the problems are simple.
He has done it to other students, and in a couple cases, a couple minutes of it got students through hard tests.
Also there could be physical causes.
There is a Yahoo group, Avoidant Personality, that helps some because you can communicate with others in probably much worse condition.
2006-09-29 21:57:37
answer #7
answered by retiredslashescaped1 5
Howdy Dangerously Sexy,
Different cultures believe that depression is caused by different things. In my culture (HIspanic) it is beleived that pretty girls suffer from a type of depression that is exclusive to them. You may be suffering from this. You have all the symtoms; sadness, broken spirit, emotional pain, and especially the feeling of "dying inside" I know that what I am going to say may sound absurd, be aware that these beliefs are based on thousands of years of observation. So please read my analyzes completely before you pass judgement. You are suffering the effects of "The Evil Eye". We call this "ojo" or "eye" The "eye" is cause when someone near to you desires everything that you are and have. If you are truely "Dangerously Sexy", it is your beauty, your physical shape, your eyes, your voice, your hands, your breasts, maybe even the way that you walk. This person wishes to possess all that you are and even to become you. This person's desires are so strong that it is literaly sucking the life out of you. The remedy is really quite simple. First you must look at the people in your peer group or someone who is hanging around very near to you. Judging by the intensity of your depression, I suspect that the person that your seek is a female or a very gay guy (don;t laugh)(ok laugh). This girl may not be very pretty. She may be "fat". When guys look her way , they look around her or even "through" her. She is everything that you are NOT. If it is a gay guy, he may want to become you so that he can "make it" with your guy friends.(it is ok to laugh again) If someone around you fits this description, do NOT confront them. All that you will get is "denial". You will lose the opportunity to retreive you good health before the connection is severed. You begin by talking to them. Tell them you innermost thoughts. Hold their hand. Sit next to them. Tickle them. Even play wrestle with them. Establish a physical connection with them. Sometimes these people will have given you a gift. The gift could have been a photo, clothing, stuffed animal, anything that you keep close to your body. This gift made you feel "wierd" because you suspected the it was given under false pretenses. Sometime these people are always to "help" even though you never needed the "help" and never asked for it. As you develop your connection, this person will try to push away. This person will begin to suspect that you are on them. You must be reassuring until the moment is right. You will know when it is "right". Return the gift and tell them "I will no longer be needing your help" At that instant the clouds in your mind wll break and the sun will shine through. Your lungs will fill life and you will feel light as a feather. You will feel WONDERFUL. Then, just walk away. It is ok to look back at them and smile. Feel free to ask again.
2006-09-30 00:01:04
answer #8
answered by TexasDreamer 2
Firstly, you may feel all alone in your particular 'hell' but many thousands have struggled with this disease. It has been only relatively recently that it even had a name, let alone be classified as a disease. But a disease it surely is, and thankfully treatment is available to help you, using a combination of anti-depressant meds, and regular counseling you can feel better. Do not think there is no way out, or no non self destructive ways to escape the lonely darkness of the soul. I suggest you talk with your doctor first, and if he/she recommends a visit to a mental health professional, you should go. Be aware that it often takes weeks for anti-depressant medication to give you results you will notice, but notice them you will. I hope this helps you. Also, a suicide hot line is manned 24/7 if you are feeling suicidal. ............G
2006-09-29 21:55:04
answer #9
answered by The Oldest Man In The World 6
Try exchanging your dramatic over descriptive words, we live, feel and act according to how we describe our experiences. Change the word depressed to "a little down", so sad to "overwhelmed", dying inside to "feel hurt". Seriously rebuild your language, you will start to feel better. If for some reason you are unable to cope with situations to where you cannot function, you must seek professional help.
2006-09-29 22:51:25
answer #10
answered by voncaros 2
i had the same thing im a senior in high school and last year - i dunno if it was depression but i didn;t feel happy anymore and nothing stood out to me and felt pretty anymore. My boyfriend cheated on me and i didn't even feel sad but i knew that i should have felt sad. I went to New York, but i wasn't even excited. It was bad, but it went away. I'm much happier now. Its probably something much closer to you than you think, try to find out what it is. Try new things, and see what makes you happy, it worked for me. Its not 100% sure to work but give it a shot, who knows, it may work
2006-09-29 21:50:20
answer #11
answered by LUVVYA SHEKSY! 1