I'm just so shocked to see that a black 'MAN"agrees that O.J. is guilty.I use the capital spelling of MAN, because it takes a man to stand up and say what he believes to be true.Instead of going along with everyone else,for the sake of race.I always did think that ac had a "hand" in it too.The whole story is so sad,I just wonder how the children have turned out.It doesn't seem like 12yrs has gone by since that happened.I think that's one of those things that you will always remember where you were and what you were doing when that happened. Good question,take care and God bless
2006-09-29 13:46:04
answer #1
answered by LEJIANE 3
I just read the book written by the 2 detectives on the case. OJ did it all by his big ole self! Poor AC was just his best friend. I don't think he could ever doubt OJ. You should read about it. One of the detectives was Van Atter & I forgot his partner's name
I think the book's name was "Dismissal of Evidence". It was fascinating
2006-09-29 20:36:12
answer #2
answered by Da Bomb 5
We don't know any such thing. You were'nt there and neither was I. What gauls me is, that if everyone involved would have done their job professionally, without prejudice,without jealousy perhaps O.J. would be behind bars right now. Anyway he hasn't gotten away with a thing. His mind haunts him, his children don't live with him, their tortured at school, they have stripped him of everything monetarily. He is in every way and everyday being made to pay for what the law wasn't able to prove he did. But the society he lives in has passed judgement on him and he is killed and beaten everyday.
2006-09-29 20:49:36
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Let it die, dude. Did you hear what OJ said the other day when a reporter asked him if he was going to remarry? He said, "I'm thinking about taking a stab at it."
2006-09-29 20:35:10
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Your right..........he hired someone..he's too stupid to not leave enough evidence.
2006-09-29 20:58:18
answer #5
answered by Anonymous