Death is the point of life, not love, kids or money! Dieing is the thing that everybody alive will ultimately do, no matter if they are loved or hated have none or many kids and are flat broke or are a mult-billionaire!
2006-09-29 13:27:32
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Daily without fail, right and fresh in the morning, I would get papers, give it a quick run through, then pass it to my boss. Sometimes, I am even obliged to wake my boss from deep slumber. Then it's a quick meal and off to work. With the breeze to my fore, the sweet pre-dawn dew and mist, I do dare say that I enjoy the unearthly pre-dawn awakenings.
Sometimes, the days do get longer, though I'm not saying its bad. I get to give orders and direct staff. Sometimes, they give me the run around, but the circus that might have been, is all to soon brought to order with my comanding voice, steady voice and uneqivocally clear directions. What more could one want, being on top of it all.
Before you know it, the light starts fading and it's back home for meals. I might catch the TV but it's all shades of grey. Strange that, as it was recent a gift.
Wait! Not all days are lacklustre. Excitement does happen when I give chase to the odd pesky and malevolent bugger that visits the premises. And not to mention the unmentionables with an incredible mess of hair left behind the crime scene! Yet for the good deed, it sometimes lends me in the slammer. There are the brighter days in contrast. On occasion, I'd do good and find a bone my way.
In closing, I'd agree whole heartedly with some reserve. So you see, I see things in the clear as black and white through the long life of walks.
2006-10-01 04:12:51
answer #2
answered by pax veritas 4
The point of life is different for everyone. At least you're not a fruit fly, only living for one day! Look at all the great stuff humans get to see and do and hear, etc.! Art, music, dancing, nature, sex, love, sports, learning...and as one guy said above, "pondering the night sky"! Travel! Man...I wish I could live 1,000 yrs! I agree that w/o death, life would get pretty weird...maybe. I mean, how do you grasp the idea of "forever"?
My philosophy is to have as much fun as possible and not worry about there being any "point" to it or reason for living. Oh...helping others can make you feel better, or doing ANYTHING that you feel makes a difference in the world.
2006-09-29 20:30:52
answer #3
answered by Gwynneth Of Olwen 6
Go placidly amid the noise and haste.
And remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
Be on good terms with all persons
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others;
Even the dull and ignorant, they to have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons
They are vexations to the spirit
If you compare yourself with others
You may become vain and bitter
For always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans
Keep interested in your own career, however humble
It is a real treasure in the changing fortunes of time
Exercise caution in your business affairs
For the world is full of trickery
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is
Many persons strive for high ideals: and everywhere life is full of heroism
Be yourself
Especially do not feign affection
Neither be cynical about love
For in the face of aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass
Take kindly the counsel of the years
Gracefully surrendering the things of youth
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune
But do not distress yourself with imaginings
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness
Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself
You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars,
You too have a right to be here
And whether or not it is clear to you,
No doubt the universe is unfolding as it should
Therefore be at peace with GOD
Whatever you conceive Him to be
And whatever your labors and aspirations
In the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams
It is still a beautiful world
Be careful
Strive to be happy
2006-09-29 20:50:16
answer #4
answered by How e' ye Horse 2
Dear Silly Person,
Death is what makes life meaningful. Otherwise we'd all just procastinate on the living business. Instead, we procrastinate on death and work on the living part (hopefully).
What many-a-hunam doesn't understand is that the meaning of life is what they create. It's kinda their job, if you will. Will you? Maybe. Maybe not. The point is hunams make meaning and that's how the meaning happens in life. Without anyone to make meaning, life would be meaningless. Get it?
If not, please notice the box you are thinking inside of, pull on the tabs, and work your way out.
Good luck!
2006-09-29 20:23:50
answer #5
answered by Cheshire Cat 6
The point of life varies from person to person, but there are common themes found among those who do find some purpose in their being. One of the best points of life is not to sit about getting bored, but to do something productive, even helpful. That's why people be detectives, or film makers, or doctors, or people who add to reality or try to protect life. He who feels lost has lost his way. Time to sit and consider what in the world is most valuable, not in the sense of money, but in the sense of life. That is the thing to which there is most value in your adding anything, your time, your attention, your imagination, inventiveness, problem-solving, intelligence. New thought, creative power. Creativity, dude.
2006-09-29 20:29:44
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
2006-09-29 20:20:24
answer #7
answered by East Bay Punk 5
every ones point of life is different. My brother is 43...when he was 9 years old he got into a terrible car accident... he is since then in a wheelchair and severely handicapped, I have often wondered what the POINT of his life is but when I see him smile or laugh I am happy that he is alive and I know in his heart he is too.
The value of your life is determined by how valuable you make it.
2006-09-29 20:26:07
answer #8
answered by la dolce vita 3
The universe is becoming self-aware through your eyes and mind. Ponder that idea. The universe is vast and utterly amazing. Ponder the night sky, maybe you will be inspired. I don't know. Or go reproduce, maybe your offspring will have a better point of view. On second thought, don't.
2006-09-29 20:22:30
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Thats the point. You live. And appreciate life.
2006-09-29 20:21:37
answer #10
answered by Nicky 4