okay this girl has been My BFF forever but she just totally annoys me sometimes. i mean like if i do something she doesn't like, like not love her favorite music as much as her or something like that she just totally ignores me. then when i ask her what's up she just says " oh nothing, you just annoy me". (like she doesn't irk me). i want to just be mature so i say " hey i'm sorry if i offended you or something" and she just goes on ingnoring and talking over my head to another friend.
help me out i don't know what to do, i don't want to end this friendship i just wanna know how to tell her that she can't treat me like this. she can't be my BFF just when she wants to. i want her to know i don't work like that.
PS i really need some advise i'm the only girl in a boy dominant family and my mom doesn't care.
7 answers
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Family & Relationships
➔ Other - Family & Relationships
we used to laugh with each other all the time and now we still do but i mean she says something to offend me and i am like whatever and when i do something that offends her she holds a grudge for forever and a day even when i apologize she's still ignores me.
13:32:41 ·
update #1