I am afraid for the future generations in America and around the globe. The only thing we can do is pray for peace and do what we can to slow global warming.
2006-09-29 12:42:36
answer #1
answered by Rhonda 7
I am afraid of uncertainty.
I am afraid of evil people.
BUT I try not to be, if you believe in God- you have to have faith and faith is trust. The worst that can happen is you'll die and get to go to heaven but only if you believe.
2006-09-29 19:57:09
answer #2
answered by amandaschmdt 1
Yeah I am pettrified of dogs, as I got attacked by one when I six. I had nightmares about it for months. Anyway as I got older it dispelled, and then suddely out of the blue I got bitten by a yorkshire terrior and it all started again. I've tried hypnotherapy, cognitive behaviour therapy and medication, Nothing as worked, so as dogs are a growing accessory, I just gotta get over it!!!
2006-09-29 19:52:59
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I am not afraid of anything the worse thing in life that can happen to you is that you die and as we are all going to die sooner or later what is the point in being afraid of it..
2006-09-29 19:46:00
answer #4
answered by lost_soul 4
Im afraid of Islamic retards culling the US and the US doing nothing to stop it because we dont want to offend them
2006-09-29 19:46:37
answer #5
answered by NNY 6
I'm always afraid of something bad happening to my family but can not answer how i would deal with it till such an event happens , you Cannot really predict your actions till the event happens to you
2006-09-29 19:44:05
answer #6
answered by lizella 5
Yeah I'm afraid of this Q&A site. there are some crazy people out there. LOL
2006-09-29 19:44:15
answer #7
answered by Magica! Star 4
I'm afraid I may be an idiot for spending time on Yahoo! Answers.
2006-09-29 19:42:33
answer #8
answered by Chris J 6
Iam afraid of being a shame.
2006-09-29 19:39:56
answer #9
answered by amosunknown 7
i am afraid of driving... I don't know why... i never have fear of anything but sometimes I'll get anxious when I drive a car and I think my biggest fear is hurting someone else.
2006-09-29 19:43:26
answer #10
answered by la dolce vita 3