it happened today! i'm a policewoman and i pulled over a car to issue a ticket, whilst there i rested my pocketnote book on the roof. after the ticket was done i let the person go........... and forgot to retrieve my notebook!!!!!
i had to run up the road retrieving it and all the bits of paper that fell out!
my colleagues laughed lots at me
2006-09-29 12:36:54
answer #1
answered by Dawny 3
I use to work out early every morning at the gym. One morning I went down, while it was still dark, and slipped my gym clothes on straight out of the dryer. I had a great work out, but everyone at the gym seemed to be staring. I thought I must really be looking good. When I got home I went to the bathroom and realized that the dryer had torn the crouch out of my pants, and I had been working out with a huge tear that left nothing to the imagination. I never set foot back in that gym again!
2006-09-29 17:54:26
answer #2
answered by freggs 3
While I'm going through my hundreds of embarrassing moments, let me tell you about a friends daughter... this one had me chuckling for ages. Having done her shift at a cinema and finishing quite late at night, she made her way to the dimly lit car park, being a bit flustered that there was someone following close behind she 'zapped' her key fob to unlock her car, swiftly jumped in and closed the door, before she had even had a chance to put her key in the ignition there was a gentle tap on the car love.....this is my car, she was absolutely mortified on realising that her male 'follower' had unlocked this car with his remote key fob from behind and her white metro was sitting in another bay.......oooops!
2006-09-29 13:09:25
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
When I was in 2nd grade, I was in a concert for my school and was on the top risers. Then I accidentally fell! The next day, we saw a tape of the concert and they recorded me falling. Everyone except for my best friend laughed. They still talk about it now! Why do people have good memories. Poor me!
2006-09-29 12:42:55
answer #4
answered by Zoeygirl 2
Doing water-robics, really dishy male teacher. We all had to go down water-slide at the end. My bikini bottoms went down, by top went up and I didn't realise till everyone started laughing! Oh the shame and embarrasement!
2006-09-29 12:40:05
answer #5
answered by mistickle17 5
I was on my way to work, it was about 10 years ago. I was on the upper deck of a number 38 bus, travelling along Upper Street in Islington. A gorgeous man came up the stairs of the bus and sat next to me. I had a sudden urge to sneeze, so to save my embarrassment I tried to suppress the sneeze and as I did I let out a little squeaky fart. I turned to him and said 'ooops sorry!' and I got of the bus 4 stops to early!!!!
2006-10-03 08:20:10
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I am a service tech for Directv......i pulled into the driveway of one of my i walked toward the front door, she came out to meet me and was just standing at the door..... as i approached the steps to greet her ......i tripped up four steps right up to her feet.....the whole thing felt like it was happening in slow motion....., how do you recover from that and regain your composure......probably the single most embarrasing moment of recent memory,..... i know she was just crackin' up inside.....
2006-09-29 12:38:40
answer #7
answered by Anonymous