Go with your heart. Material things don't mean much if the love isn't there.
2006-09-29 12:19:44
answer #1
answered by unicornfarie1 6
So one man has more money than the other..Money can't buy love maybe happiness but without love in the long run it will not work out..Surely your heart is leaning toward one more than the other as far as love..Love and trust is what a relationship is based on..Go with the one that will love you and be true to you..
2006-09-29 19:22:45
answer #2
answered by Just Dreamin' 4
It depends on whether you're looking for a long term relationship - perhaps marriage. If you are then you must be wise and follow your heart, not the money. The guy with the money might be able to satisfy for now but there're things even money can't do. Trust me.
Please don't make the mistake of getting involved with some just because of his money. Anything can happen
2006-09-29 19:28:26
answer #3
answered by topgun 2
provides more money? hoepfully that doesnt make your decision. choose the one that makes you feel the best, and you enjoy spending time with. just because one provides more than the other doesnt mean he will love u more. good luck
2006-09-29 19:19:25
answer #4
answered by scion_xb_girly 3
Provides more than the other? are you talking about money? don't choose one because of money, because that is a big big mistake. Good luck.
2006-09-29 19:47:45
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Choose the man that makes you laugh and is your best friend. It matters more in the long run.
2006-09-29 19:20:26
answer #6
answered by doodyloc 1
go with your heart, dont think of which can provide better finacially Love wins in the long run
2006-09-29 19:18:44
answer #7
answered by misty_51273 4
not about whether u are in love with them, think its more about yourself, provide? what about happiness ? who makes you happiest, and who gives u love an makes u feel the most important person alive
2006-09-29 19:20:50
answer #8
answered by SALLY N 2
As long as no one is married date them both for a while.
Eventually you will start to flake on one for the other.
2006-09-29 19:31:43
answer #9
answered by snack_daddy10 6
oh how convenient .
Is that all you women want is someone to " Provide " for you .
What about who You " LOVE " does that enter the picture at all?
2006-09-29 19:20:22
answer #10
answered by Anonymous