Having a cleaner doesn't make one posh. It just means, as you've already suggested, that you're choosing to spend your money another way. It probably means that you've also got better things to do with your time then fiddling about with the cleaning.
2006-09-29 12:00:07
answer #1
answered by thaliax 6
Only you can put a price on your own time. If you feel that having a cleaner is the right choice for you, then it's nobody else's business. Besides, if people like you didn't make the choice to employ cleaners there would be a lot of unemployed cleaning people out there. You aren't just making a personal choice here, you're creating employment. Be proud!
2006-09-29 12:03:23
answer #2
answered by wotsupputtytat 2
What a cheek people saying if you have a cleaner you are lazy!! What about those of us that work long long days and decide to spend a small sum on some help in the house. You aren't posh, you have made a choice according to what is right for you.Some real ignorant people on here.
2006-09-29 12:02:40
answer #3
answered by Saskia M 4
No not really, and I don't want to do anyone out of a job here but ponder on this one... a very lovely friend of mine had the philosophy that when you're dead and gone will people remember you for having a clean sideboard ! She was a hugely popular person and used her time to be involved with lots of community things, youth clubs and scouts etc.She passed on at a very young 67 years, so, have your cleaner, if it makes you feel good that's money well spent but who you are is the important thing, not what you did with a duster!
2006-09-29 12:34:39
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
hell no! it just shows inatiative
you are not being lazy either, why on earth would someone want to do housework constantly when there are better things to be doing. If someone has a job as a house cleaner, then well some one needs to employ them!
I'm a definatly getting a house cleaner, it's not to say I won't do any house work but it just takes a load off the shoulders.
love lu
2006-09-29 12:03:58
answer #5
answered by don't stop the music ♪ 6
No i see no reason why this makes people posh every1 needs a job and that's what you have done you have given some1 gainful employment nothing wrong with that surely you are helping. So long as you treat your cleaner with respect and don't snub them because it is believed that they are below you because they are not they are equal to every1 good luck to you and your cleaner.
2006-09-29 12:12:33
answer #6
answered by the strange one 2
Helen, dont listen to these fools, many of us lead such hectic lives that we dont have time to keep on top of cleaning a large house, people that criticise you for having a cleaner obviously cant afford one. I'm with you - the outlay is minimal, the benefit is huge, and yes my partner and i have a cleaner - and a gardener, running a successful business we dont have time for gardens either!
2006-09-29 12:03:32
answer #7
answered by thecoldvoiceofreason 6
I have a cleaner but I'm neither posh, rich or lazy, just disabled.
2006-09-29 14:07:21
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Not at all. I have a gardener because I hate gardening, and I am not wasting energy doing something i don't like if I can 'employ' someone else who enjoys the job AND gets paid for it.
He works at very reasonable, mutually-agreed rates, I have a nice garden, and my energy is channelled into doing the things I do want to do.
2006-09-29 12:21:34
answer #9
answered by Phish 5
Do you mean a house cleaner?
Either cigarettes are really $$ where you live or your house cleaner works CHEAP!!
2006-09-29 11:59:57
answer #10
answered by Anonymous