for crying out loud...people...sheeeze
2006-09-29 11:34:31
answer #1
answered by joy ride 6
Maybe this is because it is easier to moan then go out and do something about it, most people want things to just be handed to them on a plate and this is just not the way the world works, if you want something you need to go out their and earn it. Some people just takes longer then most to realise this and some people never will and these are the ones that moan all the time
2006-09-29 18:34:25
answer #2
answered by tigeroscar2005 3
Human Nature
2006-09-29 18:36:47
answer #3
answered by cremcharl 3
What makes you think that they arent trying as hard as they can to achieve. If I were you I would turn on the Nightly news because the middle class is shrinking and the Wealthy are getting tax breaks left and right and the home foreclosure rate has risen. I think that they have earned the right just a little.
2006-09-29 18:37:18
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I don't moan about that kind of thing, but DO moan about people who have good things with a bad attitude, particularly toward anyone not like themselves. I bet that's really what a lot of people are complaining about...unless they really have zero desire to attain things for themselves in life....
2006-09-29 18:36:25
answer #5
answered by *babydoll* 6
EXCELLENT QUESTION! And one I've been asking for years. I wish I could actually ANSWER it, but the simple truth is that many people would rather sit on their butts and bit** than get up and go after their goals and dreams, that might involve WORK! My husband and I may not have the best, but we have everything we need and most everything we want, and we are happy. (We own our modest home, the bills get paid on time, clothing isn't the best but they are clean and not rags, food may be bland at times, but we HAVE food and it's healthy, our car may look like a wreck, but runs like a dream, plus, we love each other, what more COULD we want or need?)
2006-09-29 18:53:24
answer #6
answered by Daydream Believer 7
simple- because it is easier for people to complain than to change their lives. its easy to say that you want a big house....but how long and hard are you willing to work for it? we are happy to moan because its simply easier
2006-09-29 18:36:02
answer #7
answered by Ellen 4
Because, achieving requires much more effort then moaning.
2006-09-29 18:34:44
answer #8
answered by gamergus 2
what's wrong with a little self pity party every now and then?Moaning is so underrated. I moan, will always moan and will die for my rights to moan.
2006-09-29 18:37:04
answer #9
answered by webby 5
Sometimes it is not about not achieving anything, it is having the means and opportunities to do so. Sometimes that can be a bit of a postcode lottery.
2006-09-29 18:39:50
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Its easy to moan for them and they are to lazy to get off their tookis.
2006-09-29 18:38:34
answer #11
answered by Anonymous