People say just be yourself, but it seems that doesn't work for some people. For some, being yourself can make your life terrible for you. Most people won't like your ideas, the way you dress, talk, act, think, move, etc. When ever you disagree with people, you usually get more problems.
SO, it seems that if you just do what everyone says, be agreebale all the time, & be what everyone wants you to be, that everyone treats you like a saint, saying things like, "Oh he's such a great person", "Oh, he's so easy to talk to", or "Oh, he's so easy going & out going", etc.
It seems that being fake is actually the best way to be to have a smooth and easy life. But being real means disagreements, arguements, people hating you, bosses firing you, etc.
It seems like only some people can be themselves and get away with it. Those are the people who ARE exactly the way popular people of the world wants people to be, act, look like, sound like, etc.
What do you think?
6 answers
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Society & Culture
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StarShine Girl - The problem is, I'm as real as they come, but I'm getting tired of being treated like pure crap by most people just because I;m open and tell the truth, and act like myself. It's Bullsh*t.
11:34:08 ·
update #1