Who cares WHY, you homo.
2006-09-29 10:30:49
answer #1
answered by total_jagoff 1
Except as a joke or in a gay bar (tv or movies), I have honestly never seen guys dance together. Girls HAVE to dance together since it's hard to get a lot of guys out on the dance floor. Guys, unless they want to dance with a guy, can always find a girl willing to dance with.
2006-09-29 10:32:45
answer #2
answered by butrcupps 6
In the case of girls, well they are always close. Walking hand in hand, going to the loo together....stuff like that. But u dont see guts walking hand in hand, do u. It would make u look rather gay dancing together. But hen if u r just dancing to have fun with a friend, then why care how u look together.
2006-09-29 10:34:00
answer #3
answered by WORLD CLASS 3
Because it is more socially acceptable to see girls showing signs of affection or closeness. When you see 2 girls together, the automatic response might be that they are good friends and just having a great time. Since it is not socially (at least in america) acceptable to see 2 guys showing signs of affection, if you see them dancing, you will automatically assume they are gay. And this just pi$$es me off, because it's such a double standard. It's all how we're raised, really. Girls do one thing one way, and guys do it another way and if you stray from that path at all, you're just wrong and going to h e l l ...lololol....wow, I just really got a on a soap box there!
2006-09-29 10:33:03
answer #4
answered by Autumn BrighTree 6
sadly people think it looks gay
because it IS gay
unless you re a screaming queen
any time two or more guys dance together it looks awful
awful bc they look gay, unless that s what they want everyone to know
and awful bc it looks like they are so desperate bc they can t get an actual girl to dance with them
that is just wrong in so many ways
better go and have a drink at the bar, shoot pool or go home
than dance with another guy
2015-06-19 03:11:11
answer #5
answered by Commenter 1
Girls look good dancing together.....men together make a man less excited. Remember the thing between two girls? Get it, and if you don't forget this posting
2006-09-29 10:32:23
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
A girl can talk to another girl about anything, guys are all too worried about being cool. soon, girls create a bond (yes, we do) and then we can do anything together! we all have fun together, and if we have fun by dancing...So be it!!! we know guys dont have that bond (yes, we know that too!) and so when they do it, its not for fun. they are either gay or looking for attention trying to be cool!
Plus girls CAN dance... while on the other hand....
2006-09-29 10:35:04
answer #7
answered by Dominique-Duh! 3
It's a cultural standard thing. In many many cultures guys dancing together is not weird at all. American guys are taught from childhood that guys are supossed to be tough and not express emotion or affection. Beside....most guys can't dance :)
2006-09-29 10:33:16
answer #8
answered by ScubaGuy 3
I have seen lots of guys dance together at the gay clubs.
2006-09-29 10:32:27
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Why is the question for? Do you want to dance with another guy? If so, do it. Perhaps seems to me that you're asking a question for the one you already know the answer.
2006-09-29 10:33:40
answer #10
answered by Javy 7
I think because in their heart of hearts all men suffer from homophobia. An abject fear of anyone thinking for a second that they might be gay. Women don't suffer from that problem at all.
If more men understood why women love gay men, men would be dancing together ALL the time!!!
2006-09-29 10:32:27
answer #11
answered by Max Marie, OFS 7