I would think that you would value your and your loved ones lives enough to bite the bullet and buy quality factory air bags. Once you or they are dead saying "sorry" or "woulda", "coulda" and "shoulda" does not cut it.
Further, if you replace them with lesser quality bags, then sell or trade the vehicle and that owner has an accident and the air bags fail, YOU will be accountable.
Spend the money and buy new quality air bags. Some things are just not worth the risk.
2006-09-30 17:28:55
answer #1
answered by tnbroker1 3
I agree with the first post. Airbag replacement should be done at the manufacterer dealer level, NOT some "ma & pa's" garage. The second two posts suggesting to look from salvage yards, I wouldn't expect that they would be willing to part with air bags for a cheap price. They are not stupid. They know what it's worth. Plus, I don't think it's legal to have undeployed air bags, unless they are brand new replacements.
2006-09-29 16:59:21
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Airbag replacement in general is not cheap. Plus its not the kind of thing you want done at some cheap shady joint. You might want them to actually work the next time you need them.
2006-09-29 16:53:27
answer #3
answered by simianfever 3
You can't just replace the air bags. The crash sensors, the SRS module, and possible the wiring harness to the SRS system must be replaced. All this must be done by a qualified tech.
2006-09-29 17:01:06
answer #4
answered by Lab 7
I certainly hope you have insurance on that car, that's what it's for and you pay a minor amount as your share or deductible. Have the body shop provide you with an estimate of repairs and submit it to your insurance. Do not do it yourself, you could blow your hands off if you don't know what you're doing.
2006-09-29 16:58:02
answer #5
answered by GUILLERMO U 2
have u checked any junk yard that would be ur best bet if i knew the model and the yr of ur truck i would help u search online but i dont so i am sorry just do a google search or even check on ebay
2006-09-29 16:55:00
answer #6
answered by Dclp8204 5
2006-09-29 16:53:42
answer #7
answered by jeff s 5
a junkyard is probably your best bet.
dont forget to get air bag sensors and air bag module too...all those are a one time use components, and if your air bags were deployed, they are junk now. if not replaced your "air bag" light will stay on and the air bags will not deploy.
good luck
2006-09-29 16:56:31
answer #8
answered by fast24vveedub 3
If you have Insurance, the insurance company should cover it... I know that is the case in Illinois at least...
2006-09-29 16:56:42
answer #9
answered by dejah.krehmeier 1