If you mean as to a copyright, a poor man's copyright, which verifies ownership is as easy as mailing a copy to one's self in a self address stamped envelope and not opening it. It gets stamped and dated by an official recognized institution, the post office! (Remember the original Miracle on 34th Street-proving Santa exists? Same concept!)
I would do several copies and mark the outside of the envelope with the song title so you know what it is without opening it.
2006-09-29 08:36:21
answer #1
answered by carpathianne 5
Simple: do a search for the Copyright Office in Washington DC and ask for forms. The forms which are free explain it all. The copyright however is now up to 45 bucks a song.
2006-09-29 15:37:37
answer #2
answered by Legandivori 7
umm if you dont want to spend alot of money on it make a copy of it and mail it to yourself that makes it have a postal date on it and it is copywritten oh and dont open it
2006-09-29 15:35:35
answer #3
answered by Ashes 1
It would be better to send it to yourself via registered mail, not just regular mail.
2006-09-29 15:42:44
answer #4
answered by KimberlyS 1
It's probably best to check it out here, just to make sure you get everything.
2006-09-29 15:37:03
answer #5
answered by Anonymous