I hate landlords. They act holier than thou when they are just lucky to own a house they can rent out.
2006-09-29 07:28:28
answer #1
answered by Zebra 1
let me tell you why i rent.all my life I've lived in a house and all my life that house just took money out of my pocket. even though you can sell it later owning a house takes more money than just the mortgage payment. now that i am older i love renting. when i pay my rent i also pay for services that cost me no extra, the other day i needed some plumbing work done on my kitchen sink.the guy from the office came ,turned a few knobs and everything was all good again. now we all know that had i owned this apt. and had to call a plumber,that service call alone would have cost me at least 100.00 and more if he was a crook.all the man did was open up the pipes and let out he air. that's why I'll never buy again.let the rent cover all the maintenance for me i gave up.
2006-09-29 15:19:23
answer #2
answered by punkin 5
Because rents are usually significantly lower than what you have to pay monthly for buying a house.
2006-09-29 14:39:47
answer #3
answered by thewordsofsilence 2
Bad credit, or they do not want the responsability of owning your own house. If the air conditioner breaks, or water heater goes out, they can call the landlord to fix it. If they are buying, they need to be able to come up with the money to have it fixed. Not always an easy thing to do.
2006-09-29 14:35:49
answer #4
answered by Kathy W 2
Many reasons ... Maintenance is taken care of by some one else . If the home is distroyed in natural disaster it is not your loss. You're not straped down if you want to move , no waiting to sell home . Can't come up with down payment .
2006-09-29 14:34:24
answer #5
answered by Geedebb 6
It may be cheaper to buy in the long run. However, many people live on fixed incomes and cannot afford to buy a new home.
2006-09-29 14:48:46
answer #6
answered by ammecalo 3
Most of the time it's because they don't have the credit to get their own house.
2006-09-29 14:29:24
answer #7
answered by ? 3
Low wage... high cost of living
2006-09-29 14:29:01
answer #8
answered by IdahoMike 5
I I don't don't know know.
2006-09-29 14:27:46
answer #9
answered by SMELLY 1