well i have been with this man for a long time now, but my sex drive is very low, and his is very high, i have tried every thing, but i just dont want the sex that much now,i think its a very private thing now 4 me to open my legs for him, i dont no why i feel like this. but most nights he will **** himself beside me, and come on me, i find that t be very sick but he just dont care, the only time he will listen to me is when he gets it from me, what should i do, r their other man that do this to their girl if they dont get it, and if so, why
14 answers
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Family & Relationships
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The fact that he doesn't care about making you uncomfortable is a big red flag. Sex drive disparities are pretty common, but that cavalier attitude toward your feelings is unacceptable.
Buy him some pornographic DVDs and tell him to take his tallywhacking to the living room and leave you alone.
2006-09-29 04:24:18
answer #1
answered by Katie S 4
As a man I understand that mens sex drives are naturally higher than womens. Your husband should be more understanding of you and your feelings.If you are on any type of medication it can definitely affect your sex drive. You may want to talk with your Dr about it..there are things out there for women...sort of like viagra for women. If your marriage is worth it maybe give it a try. In the meantime don't feel bad about yourself. Guilting someone into having sex is not a good thing.
2006-09-29 11:49:01
answer #2
answered by vanhammer 7
If yours is low, there is something wrong
a. You just dont find him appealing anymore.
b. Problems in your area down below can cause a lack of drive
c. extreme stress in your life can be causing this where as a man uses this to release it.
I would suggest taking to a Dr and seeing why you have a low drive or think about maybe finding a new partner
2006-09-29 11:25:40
answer #3
answered by anton_29207 3
I have a big sex drive and look for sex a lot; however, I don't think I have EVER rubbed one out with my lady right there (and/or ON her). This guy needs to chill out; I respect the fact that he needs to get some loving, but he is being obscene about it. You should confront him about this and tell him that if he really likes you then he needs to cool it.
That said, if he does "cool it", then you probably need to beef up your sex drive a little bit. If you are not already, start going to the gym and eat ting healthier food (especially ones that are aphrodisiacs); you will start feeling sexier and want to be physical more.
2006-09-29 11:25:21
answer #4
answered by flyboop_2000 3
Look, you don't have the right to control his body. If it's that much of a concern, ask him to do it somewhere else. But really, your 'disgust' is a liitle odd- there's honestly nothing wrong with masturbation. If it seems 'naturally' wrong, bear in mind that arbitrary morality is no substitute for rational consideration- and that there'd be plenty who'd think that it was 'naturally' wrong for you to have sex before marriage, or even for a woman to talk about sex: if you think that you can use arbitration as a justification, how do you deal with them?
2006-09-29 11:26:18
answer #5
answered by Jim 5
You've got some issues here. Why don't you want sex? Trauma in the past? He should be able to expect enthusiastic participation. Is he selfish and you just don't have fun?
2006-09-29 11:24:04
answer #6
answered by splitshell 3
Look go to your medical doctor and get checked. Really lots of men have medical problems where their testerone level is low and they have to get a testerone shot every month. This is true, you may have a medical problem. Go to your doctor.
2006-09-29 11:26:45
answer #7
answered by Rooster 1972 5
my girl doesn't have a very high sex drive, trying pleasing him other ways, maybe take him to a ball game or something... but you def have to give it up sometime or he WILL look elsewhere for it
2006-09-29 11:24:01
answer #8
answered by swingorstrikeout 3
you just need to find a way for both of you to be happy, i mean when he wants some and your not i the mood buy some movies for him to watch or offer to ****him for the not this guy is just wanting to express his affection in a more physical way.
2006-09-29 11:33:18
answer #9
answered by the truth 2
Well to me, he sounds sick, maybe thats why you have lost your sex drive for him, sounds like there is no passion or love when he wants sex, he's just out to please himself.
2006-09-29 11:24:47
answer #10
answered by Cobra 5