i agree with you
abortion is murder!
2006-09-29 09:10:58
answer #1
answered by luckyduck2006 6
I don't support abortion but I do believe in the right to choose. I had to have a medically induced miscarriage (in my mind it was an abortion) at 16 weeks because if I didn't I was going to die from a severe infection. I have three daughters and obviously would not have chosen that route unless my life hung in the balance. There was no saving my son but there was a chance to save me and let my daughters grow up with their mother. In a situation like that, what would you have done? I don't think it's right to terminate a pregnancy, a baby is a baby is a baby, but sometimes circumstances can't be prevented. I would not personally carry a child if I had been raped, if it had been conceived out of incest, or if I knew my physical condition (drugs, alcohol, abuse, etc.) would cause harm to the baby once it was born. Why give birth to a child that you know will have little quality of life? It's not the quantity it's the quality. So in conclusion I believe it depends on the situation, before I had to make this choice I would never have said to do it in any case, but I've been there.
2006-09-29 11:19:03
answer #2
answered by justwondering 5
I think in this day and age abortion is essential to not only some womens health, but to the well-being of our society.
First, do not get me wrong. I dont agree with the women that have tons of unprotected sex and when they get pregnant. They just mossey on down to the clinic and get one as if it were buying a soda from 7-11. If you are having sex without the intent of making a baby then you need to be using some sort of birth control or protection.
Ultimately it should be the woman's choice what goes on in her body. The government should have no say in this.
Although, sometimes accidents do happen even with responsible people. I think it should remain avaliable for cases such as that. If the couple is not ready (mentally, fisically) then I do not think they should bring a child into the world. What do you think will happen to it? If the parents are not ready mentally then what is to say that one of thier parents become childish and resent the child for "ruining" thier life. They will then either neglect the child altogether or treat it like crap. This will later cause problems with the child. Children are not capable of viewing things in a broader spectrum than themselves. Soon you have kids committing crimes (petty or major), joining gangs, and becoming part of the "system". (Which in itself it VERY messed up). Remember children are indeed the future.
Another obvious reason is for the mothers health. I don't see how anyone could honestly debate that.
There should still be certain restrictions on people when it comes to this. I as much as any other person does not want to "kill" babies, but I sure do see plenty of parents that do not discipline thier children. In fact, I used to work at a baby store and 9 times out of 10 I paid more attention than the parents to what the children were doing. People simply need to stop having kids just to have kids.
2006-09-29 11:34:31
answer #3
answered by Slappin 3
I agree totally. The only time abortion would be necessary is if a stillborn child had to be removed from its mother or any circumstances, where there were lives at risk.
All living children deserve a chance at life. If the mother doesn't want the child, it can always be adoped out if necessary. Killing unborn babies is so totally wrong.
2006-09-29 11:13:23
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Before abortion was legal it was still done. In fact herbs were used to induce abortion at least back into the 16th century.
One of the reasons abortion was allowed to be legal was that doctors were angry at the amount of women who presented at emergency rooms with pelvic infections that necessitated hysterectomies at absurdly young ages. They regarded that as wrong when a sterile, safe abortion could be available at a reasonable cost. I have no quarrel with those who think its wrong for religious reasons, but many religions have laws different from other religions and we don't, as a rule make them into our body of jurisprudence. In other words, you can be kosher, but not ban everyone from eating pork, you can be a Seventh Day Adventist, but not ban your neighbor from eating meat. Nor can Catholics make confession mandatory for Muslims. No one should have an abortion if they don't want to. No one should be forced to carry a child to term if they don't want to. Compulsory pregnancy is quite chilling as a state concept.
2006-09-29 11:32:40
answer #5
answered by justa 7
Whoa, why are the pro-abortion users so upset? Don't tell someone not to ask questions on here... If you don't like the question, don't click on it! The person asking was not being rude or offensive in anyway. She's pro-life.. is there a problem with being pro-life? Everyone is entitled to their own opinions as long as they are not hurting anyone. If it upsets anyone THAT much to make personal attacks, then don't bother clicking on this question. IF you decide to click on the question, just answer the question without making personal attacks.
Also, telling the asker to 'mind their own business' was stupid because she was not directing her comments to any ONE person in particular.
And to answer the question: No - i do not believe in abortion.
2006-09-29 11:21:48
answer #6
answered by Purricat 2
I am VERY MUCH for abortion.
Listen people, this whole "OMG YUR TOTALLY KILLING A HUMAN LIFE" is bullshit. Last time I checked, we were not an endangered species.
Did you ever think that maybe the baby being born doesn't WANT to be here? That he or she doesn't want to be in a world filled with suffering, disease, poverty, suicide bombers and nuclear bombs?
You're forcing someone into this world whether they like it or not. If you do force them here, you better have a stiff upper lip if they turn out to be a junkie, or they kill themselves.
2006-09-30 06:06:02
answer #7
answered by Wren 2
I believe in it. I also believe in a woman's right to choose. I also believe that the government should force certain people into having abortions. There are too many people here already and too many unworthy parents. Time to cut back a little. They aren't babies; they are masses of cells that have the potential to become babies, so extract 'em and move on for the betterment of society.
2006-09-29 11:15:44
answer #8
answered by nido_tr3s 5
You have to believe in it, it exists whether you believe in it or not.
I believe its wrong on all levels.
Its simple.
Its only an embryo or fetus when you dont want it. Any other time its a baby.
Changing the term doesnt make it less human, it only quiets the concious.
It might be fair if the baby had a way of picking which parents it wanted or didnt want. No baby decides to be created, or killed.
2006-09-29 11:10:54
answer #9
answered by amosunknown 7
Believe in abortion? Well, it does exist therefore I do believe in it.
Do I AGREE with it? I do not! But it is not our place to condemn a person because they have committed this act/sin of taking another life.
It is our place, however, to love and encourage in spite.
Jesus told the woman at the well who had "many husbands" (She was permiscuous) to "Go and sin no more." He didn't stone her or sentence her to death.
He also told the adulteress who was about to be stoned by the Pharisees to "Go and sin no more." He loved her to spare her life and give her another chance, to live with her mistakes and their consequences that she might learn, but always to LOVE HER.
This is what I believe we should also do. Love these women who are broken and torn and so bound with misery that they really think abortion is their only escape.
You can be against abortion, but all I am asking is that you remember to LOVE while you take your stand.
2006-09-29 11:16:25
answer #10
answered by NONAME 4
no what is wrong is over populating the world with little children that are unwanted and either abused or stuck in foster care all their lives how about you stop worring about what other people do with their bodies and mind your own business no one said that you had to have an abortion it is just a choice that is out there for some women!
2006-09-29 11:11:16
answer #11
answered by Anonymous