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2006-09-29 03:37:05 · 10 answers · asked by I am Sunshine 6 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

10 answers

My 4 years old nephew once said to his mother " Sorry doesn't help". This was a good lesson to learn.

2006-09-29 04:23:53 · answer #1 · answered by lene123 3 · 1 0

there is even a ritual to "visit" a clean born, and there are times embellished as rituals in which a baby is greeted. The 'naming' ceremony, the 'feeding' ceremony, the 'prayer' ceremony, the first beginning anniversary of the youngster, and then the hollow up of the optimal human chance said as as 'initiation', and such others. the reason being extremely straightforward. the youngster is yet to undertake the 'techniques of the elders'. the youngster is innocuous. the youngster is easily loose from the 4 unfavourable thoughts (anger, hate, jealousy and worry!). the youngster is a "stay" demonstration of ways joyous someone will be perfect right here, in this very international, the way it really is, without waiting for some heaven after death! the youngster does no longer instruct any indifference in the route of alternative toddlers, and exhibits no bias at the same time as accepting different toddlers of an identical age. Their petty quarrels don’t very last too lengthy! Their love lasts throughout the time of their stay. the regularly happening of love in the course of the youngsters-innocence is unrivaled!

2016-11-25 02:23:47 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

My daughter teaches me something new every single day. Sometimes as adults, we can forget things, but in a child's eye, it's all new and wondrous. Kids today are so smart and they look at everything with wide eyes. I just love being told, no matter what, that she loves me and thinks I'm the best momma in the whole world.

2006-09-29 06:58:13 · answer #3 · answered by HEartstrinGs 6 · 0 0

I could probably say yes because, I wanted a baby so bad for years and when I decided to have one at first no problem now she's about to hit terrible 2's and she's already terrible and doesn't listen or nothing and talks back and she won't be 2 til November sad huh.Lesson learned you just gotta deal with it and break them out that habit.

2006-09-29 03:43:29 · answer #4 · answered by Sister Queen Mama 3 · 0 0

Yes. I help in children's church. I was leading the children in praise and worship. Sometimes I close my eyes while singing and when I opened them all I seen was children with there arms lifted high and singing with everything that was in them. It was amazing. It showed me that even as children they can pour everything they have out to God. Not just be crazy kids running around. They were focused and really worshiped God with everything they had. It showed me that kids are just as special to minister to as adults are. Peace be with you and God Bless.

2006-09-29 03:52:29 · answer #5 · answered by jesus_freak_sm 2 · 1 0

Yes. To not let things get to you and stress you out so bad. Wisdom comes from the mouths of babes.They are who they are and aren't yet tainted in their opinions by the world.

2006-09-29 03:40:17 · answer #6 · answered by vanhammer 7 · 1 0

My beautiful son has taught me how to love and forgive unconditionally. He thinks I'm the greatest mommy in the world.
::grinning big:: silly kid!

2006-09-29 03:40:54 · answer #7 · answered by Char 7 · 1 0

my boys teach me new things every day. simple things like how to enjoy life, and be happy with what you have, not to worry about what you don't have. kids are the wisest people on the planet!!

2006-09-29 04:14:04 · answer #8 · answered by scbettyboop 2 · 1 0

Many (many) times. There is always wisdom to be found in innocence.

2006-09-29 03:41:29 · answer #9 · answered by svmainus 7 · 1 0


2006-09-29 03:38:25 · answer #10 · answered by yekis 2 · 0 0

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