We've been married 17 years! It seems like only a few - time passes so quickly - but it also seems like forever, in a very wonderful way. We do have "secrets" - and all couples should do them. Never go to bed angry - ever. Resolve stuff even if you are up to the wee hours of the morning. Listening and understanding are paramount - you have to see things from the other's point of view, and that is not always easy. A really big thing is realizing the reality of the differences between men and women and how they feel and behave. This is not anything to do with chauvinism or equality - but the fundamental differences. Women are verbal, men are not. A man has to learn to deal with women talking out all their feelings and their plans, etc. A man wants a plan, action-oriented - that doesn't always mesh when a woman is pouring out her heart about something and a husband wants to "fix it", but all she wants is someone to listen.
So, it's things like that - it all leads to communication. That is the secret.
2006-09-29 04:57:41
answer #1
answered by Lydia 7
Almost 27 year and I get embarassed when someone asks me what our secret is. Our marriage isn't perfect but one thing we both know we do care of each other enough to keep going. We had a big change in our marriage almost a year ago when we got our 2 and 3 year old grandchildren. As beautiful as they are it's so much hard work. Sometimes that puts a stress on things, when this should be the time when we are enjoying empty nest.
2006-09-29 10:46:37
answer #2
answered by Jan G 6
My husband and I have been married for 12 years.I would say the keys to a successful marriage are:
1. Trust
2. Communication
My husband is my best friend.I know that I can talk to him about anything no matter what.We talk daily for at least an hour after the kids are asleep.And without trust there is no relationship.
2006-09-29 10:37:59
answer #3
answered by lisa 1
8 months. No secrets. Open and honest communication, forgiving and forgeting, praying together. Learning each other. Being excited about each others interests (you may not like his hobbies but can be interested). Being there for each other. Relaxing and enjoying each other everyday. I see more success when I sacrifice for him. When I work towards being more selfless and give him the benefit of a doubt incase of something.
You will enjoy marriage if you want to. Go with a positive and mature attitude. Remember he is your buddy not an enemy- and not out there to outdo you but to see you through stuff. Also keeping in mind that we are a team has helped me alot
2006-09-29 10:54:13
answer #4
answered by jrema 2
There is no one secret. There is this awesome book called The Five Languages of Love. Each person views love in different ways.
1. Quality Time
2. Touch
3. Affirmation
4. Gifts
5. Serving
Once you find the secret of your Mate - You will be set for life.
First marriage - 9 years - He died or I would still be married to him.
Second - 6 months and still building.
2006-09-29 10:41:21
answer #5
answered by Been There Done That 6
married at 18, baby at 19 & 21
married now 32 years
success comes in stages and once the kids come and your time is divided between all the things that a family entails ... success sometimes seems a far off dream.. and you do the best you can to spread yourself around and keep it all together
but as time goes on and the family gets older.. it becomes easier to focus on the one thing that brought you together
and it blossoms all over again and it is what all those years of hard work accomplished
it is a well worth journey for anyone to take.... I highly recommend it
2006-09-29 10:39:38
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
7 yrs. communication, friendship love understanding,
there is no secret really. just basic things that many ppl forget
remeber be a good wife but never stop being a g f too
dont nag too much, know when to talk to him depending on his mood.
dont take sex for granted u r never too old or too many yrs in a marriage to try some thing new!
patience is a virtue in a marriage if he and u have a fight just let things cool down b4 making ur point. if two ppl r shouting no one is listerning. listern when he shouts and when he is done then u make ur point he will actually listern.
2006-09-29 10:38:04
answer #7
answered by in ur face 4
I met my husband in 1982 in 10th grade in highschool- and we r both now 40 and have been married 22 years now! We have one son who is turning 16 in October. What is the secret? LOVE. Alweays take the time during each and every day to show him how much u truly love him and need him. Anything from a simple " god I love u so much baby" to making him his favorite lunches and dinner- to sending him a heart shaped pizza to his job for lunch! Take the time to make him feel like he is your GOD! My hubby loves that! lol Keep the romance fresh by doing special little things for him- I will never forget the look on my hubbys face when I put pop rock candies in my mouth before doing oral sex. U know- the candy that fizzes and crackles in your mouth? To this day he keeps a package in his night stand at all times! Love devotion and communication r the 3 things that will always keep him close to your heart!
2006-09-29 11:24:17
answer #8
answered by cstinkerbell6969 6
My husband and I have been married two years on December 18. Like your screenname patience is an important factor in a relationship. Communication is the biggest key in any relationship. We have a ceramic heart hanging on the wall in our bedroom thats says never forgt to kiss each other goodnight. Which are some great words to go by!
2006-09-29 10:45:26
answer #9
answered by PinkHighHeels 4
What is successful to one is not to another. I find that what makes me happy is taking no crap. I also do not tell my husband what to do. That is a mothers job... take out th etrash, etc. I also would laugh till I peed my pants if he DEMANDED i do something. He doesnt look a thing like my daddy. Every marrieage is different. Submissive does not mean doormat but thats just me. Some women like being treated like dog doo. Takes all kinds to make the world go 'round. Ten years, this time. my first only lasted two.
2006-09-29 10:35:41
answer #10
answered by Hillary Dillary 4