What are the best things that are happening in your country?
What are the worst ones?
Are you happy to live in the country you were raised?
What do you change in your country if you were able to do it?
I am Mexican and I am proud to be born in Mexico. I think it is a very beautiful and prodigal land. It has a very rich historical past. As Mexicans we are a complex culture that mixes warm mood, religious devotion, ingenuity, explosive joy demonstrations and sometimes low self esteem. We do love and hate with passion.
In this moment we are living an exciting and risky moment of democratic transition. As a society we are learning how to live with political manners that maybe in other countries are the routine since many years ago.
The worst things that we have to deal with, are bad education, inequal distribution of wealth and politics, but one of the best things that we have is our courage to keep trying again and again to be better world citizens.
8 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Other - Society & Culture
Well said and a great descriiption of your culture and country. I have traveled to Mexico and love it there...it is a beautiful place. I was born and raised in the USA and am very proud to be an American. I also feel truly blessed to have the freedoms we have that many other places don't. Right now our country is at war as you know and unfortunately the Democrats and Rebulicans can't seem to agree on anything and that's the worst part. I thank God every day for the beautiful country I live in.Although we are only a few hundred years old we still have a great history and wonderful backgroung on how our great country became one.
2006-09-29 03:32:00
answer #1
answered by vanhammer 7
I am originally from Gemany
Gemany is great, i like that we have so much history and old castles/buildings. You can see it everywhere.
And the beer of course, the food and our way of partying (you know, dancing on the tables at the various fests and stuff).
It is also nice for the fact that we have a very good education and social system.
But unfortunately we have quite a high rate of unemployment, I hope that'll change soon...
Oh, and the politicians are constantly trying to find ways to raise taxes either directly or through the back door, that I don't like!
2006-09-29 03:56:02
answer #2
answered by Jasmin D 2
W have to stand a lot of abuse from other nations although our country is more and more popular amongst europeans and others.
If you come to Cracow, there is a chance that you will fall in love with our country. Not all Polish people are nice, but here - everything is as it should be - tradition, great atmosphere and everything you need in general. Lost of friends and love:) Well, only I have problems with finding The One;)
We have a lot of problems, the government is not worth even talking about,,,,, But - we try to live our lives...
2006-09-29 03:31:55
answer #3
answered by Lady G. 6
you would be wonderful , much extra valuable then wonderful .you would be chuffed as quickly as back when you place this discomfort out of your recommendations ! you will desire to undergo in recommendations that not each and every physique in this international is trustworthy and activity enjoying for some stupid reason excites youthful girls and adult men into believing they are above the discomfort .First think of to your self how solid of a individual you're common . this might shine by you and as quickly as you commence on a daily basis believing further and extra in your self you will draw each and every of the attention on your soul-shine and Love will discover you ! Drop all touch w/ this mean lively individual and overlook he ever existed .One lesson discovered in a batch of a life time to return ! in case you bump into him at yet another amassing .Stand tall and carry your breath if prefer be ..and make him blend with the human beings whom mean not something to you . Your extra valuable then that to enable him relish , collectively as you circulate homestead to tension on it !
2016-10-15 08:24:15
answer #4
answered by Erika 4
I'm American. We're big and flashy and loud. We have horrible politics and absolutely no culture. I wish I'd been born in England.
Sorry for the negativity, but that's pretty much my viewpoint.
2006-09-29 03:30:10
answer #5
answered by angk 6
Growing up I was proud, and ingorant of where I came from.
Having been granted the realization that comes with age, I am disgusted.
America, home of the brave and free.. has become Corporate-land, home of the weak, and free to do what they tell us.
2006-09-29 03:31:15
answer #6
answered by Andrew S 2
I live in Canada and we pride ourselves on being distinctly Canadian despite our neighbours to the south! Unfortunately, these days, it seems our independence is in jeopardy!
2006-09-29 03:31:41
answer #7
answered by *ღ♥۩ THEMIS ۩♥ღ* 6
be ready for change
2006-09-29 03:30:08
answer #8
answered by free w 1