I try to follow my instincts. Advice is no more than another's opinion. It doesn't mean they're wrong, but what's good for them, might not be good for you. I've just always been independent and I enjoy it that way. However, when I really don't know, I'm not afraid to ask. That is, how we learn.
2006-09-29 07:00:45
answer #1
answered by HEartstrinGs 6
I take advice for what it is - someone else's opinion. I appreciate advice given with good intentions, but I reserve the decision-making for myself. I have to think things through usually, so I don't go on instinct that much.
2006-09-29 11:36:52
answer #2
answered by Char 7
I follow the advice of others if I believe they know what they're talking about. Usually if I respect someone enough to follow their advice, I'll ask for it. If I don't, they're usually the people who try to shove it down my throat.
2006-09-29 12:26:44
answer #3
answered by I Know Nuttin 5
Both. I have used my instincts before and failed when I should have followed someone elses suggetion.
2006-09-29 10:26:53
answer #4
answered by Darlene J 1
I think for myself and make my own reasoned decisions
2006-09-29 10:25:58
answer #5
answered by n2mustaches 4