IMO, It's mostly because they think it's all about them, they have the answers/solutions. They are doing it right everyone else is wrong. And of course the double standards, politically they have opinions about the world, but they haven't taken care of their own people first.
2006-09-29 02:32:37
answer #1
answered by *duh* 5
I don't hate America.. which is a strong word. I've been there several times and the country is beautiful.
I know however a lot of Europeans (and some Americans too!) think the American people are morons - just look at who they voted for. A lot of them are incredibly ignorant about the world outside America which does make them look foolish.
It's also meant to be the land of the free and sure, it is.. for white christian middle class Americans. I've seen the towns split into nice neighbourhoods for the white and then almost shocking "slums" for the blacks and hispanics. This isn't a country I'd like to live in. Take the New Orleans floodling. If the area were predominantly white I bet it wouldn't still be in the state it is now.
Most of the world is certainly not jealous LOL
2006-09-29 02:37:41
answer #2
answered by DemonicaB 3
Wow, what a response you recevied huh? I 've read every single one. What I've heard not in one or the your answars but by an individual from Ireland just recently is this: americans do not classify themselves as "americans" in America, only outside the US. Here in America, I am italian. My friend is french, the other is irish etc..... This sprouts from most of us being children of immigrants and raised by parents from the old world with old word values or we are 2nd generation americans with grandparents from the old world with old world values. I think as the generations pass and you see a decrease in European immigration, more young people will call themselves americans as they will lose that old world upbringing. We here in America certainly have lots and lots of problems. But when the crap hits the fan, we unite and help. Of course, IRS is nothing but organized crime, everybody knows that. And this country has weirdos that believe we should save the trees but abort babies. But quite honestly, except for other free countires like Canada, Australia etc... I really wouldn't want to live anywhere else.
2006-09-29 07:14:10
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
While it's not fair to categorize the rest of the world as monolithically hostile toward the United States, if you're talking about the Middle East in particular (where we seem to be having the most conflicts), I'd say it's jealousy and humiliation that's at the root of it all.
You have to understand -- the Middle East was once a center of culture and learning, and was miles ahead of the folks in Europe; and now they're a painfully backward third-world region. They couldn't catch up to America in a hundred years if the rest of the world was standing still, and that's a tremendous blow to a nation's collective ego. And for some folks, it's not enough to simply succeed -- their enemies must also be crushed and humiliated in return.
2006-09-29 02:29:25
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
& who told u that? C'mon, not every1.Had ur country been hated by others, they wouldn't have moved thr.Plus, u have 1 of the best legal systems & technology in the world. Urs is the most powerful economy in the world. I think ppl r just insecure & they don't want to accept the fact.
I think America is hated just by the hardliners.U can't reason with them, can u? I, personally, quite like ur country.I mean, whenever thr's a disaster, we c the US helping others in the forefront. Whenever some country needs modern weapons, gadgets or technology, it's America that helps. But we have become so insecure, cynical & prejudiced that we overlook the + points & keep carping. America attacked Iraq, Afganistan, blah blah blah. The attack on Afganistan is fully justified & Iraq, partially. C'mon, Saddam was a despotic ruler. We call Americans racist & overlook the fact that it is the Americans who targeted everywhere; be it the beheadings or bombings. When we reap what we sow, we call it racism. America has contributed so much to the African countries. It has provided medicinal, academic & financial aid.
We want to eat at McDonald's, we want to drink Pepsi, we want to Americanise our accent but we still love to hate America!!! This is the zenith of prejudice! Don't worry bro., ppl r just insecure. We have to accept that the US is the most powerful economy today.Nobody hates ur country.
2006-09-29 02:52:44
answer #5
answered by whatever 2
because america does what it feels like. It doesn't listen to others opinions. People get the feeling that, americans think the world revolves around them. Majority of americans don't even have passport because they think there is nothin else outside america.
Its like hating the rich kid in the class who thinks he is all that. Not because he is rich and other are jealous. Its because he is arrogant, looks down on people and he thinks he is better than the rest. He will have money but not respect.
PS its not that people hate all americans, its the way George Bush and other authorities projects an image of how america and americans are like (as i've described above)
2006-09-29 02:40:00
answer #6
answered by Zed 3
From my own experiences, I feel they are not so free spirited as they like to think. In conversation, they tend to agree with the majority and are afraid to stand alone. This makes them weak and quiet shallow. My US friends all vanished when I needed help. Smile and they all smile with you Frown and you're on your own. I have been all over the states spent enough time there to witness this fact over a period of 15 years. New Orleans was typical, Europeans were hounded and set upon by locals. It's scarily racist, that is why we shouldn't listen to their Muslim propaganda.
2006-09-29 02:36:40
answer #7
answered by Powerpuffgeezer 5
Because America's Democracy is the Life of the wicked forced upon the Righteous people of the world. People do not like being forced upon.
2006-09-29 02:38:25
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
alot of americans think that their country is the center of the earth. Most australians I've know, and have meet portray americans in short as arrogant and naive. And aussies aren't envious by any stretch of the imagination. We have the same
so-called freedom over here as well as america.
2006-09-29 02:41:46
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Do not think the entire world hates us, but......
I think the haters come from closed societies & really do not understand our open culture.
If they come from theocratic states, freedom of & from religion is blasphemy in their mind.
If they are from a poor country , they envy our wealth & standard of living.
If they're from a homogenious society, our cultural & ethnic diversity is mongrelism. eg WW2 Germany.
Then there are the legitimate gripes such as our political bullying, gluttonous materialism & wasteful ways, to name a few.
They lose sight of our people's record of generosity, sense of fair play.
There would be very few haters if they all had "green cards"
2006-09-29 03:19:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous