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2006-09-29 01:59:57 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

9 answers

Our society is to blame for road rage.We live in a hurry up let's go world.This world we do not look at the other people around us but at our own selfs only.
The 70 to 75 mph speeds is a very effective speed,but with the auto makers producing cars with speeds up to 130 and the open world of racing,people beleive the Interstate system is a race track.Most of the people that are going in excess of the speed have a mindset that they are professional drivers when in reallity most of the are a wreck waiting to happen.
Everyday I watch as people cut otheres off to get into a turn lane or on an off ramp.When if they slowed down 10 mph the could have safely fallen in behind the other driver but this would relegate them to"2nd" and they don't want to be in that spot.
So we as society,and as a hurry up and go world have made us all a cause of road rage.

2006-09-29 02:27:36 · answer #1 · answered by blakree 7 · 0 0

Road rage is caused when individuals believe that the world should revolve around them. They believe that just because YOU are in a hurry, that everyone else should drive 'faster', and they believe that people who - drive slow, who merge at the last minute, who cut in front of you done that "just to piss YOU off" (yet again, an egocentric interpretation).

Another reason that some people could have road rage is because they're unhappy with their OWN life, and feel like they don't have much control of their own life. They think people are out to get them, to screw them over...and what better way than to use a clump of big metal and steel on wheels to retaliate, since they have never learned how to "rationally think things through", "communicate efficiently", "learn compassion", and "take a leap of faith" to make their life better.

2006-09-29 09:18:38 · answer #2 · answered by Strawberry 2 · 0 0

People being rude to one another by cutting in front of lanes, blowing horns if your not going fast enough. Some dont realize that we all have some where to be, that is why we are also driving next to them. TO GET SOMEWHERE. When we realize this and take it into consideration then there will be no more road rage.

2006-09-29 09:07:15 · answer #3 · answered by 511@ 4 · 1 0

Usually people who hog the road, prefereably a little road with nowhere enough room/visibility for others to overtake, look in their side mirror, see a queue of traffic held behind them and keep going at a snail pace! They're responsible for 50% off the road rage syndrome. The other 50% comes from people who don't have much control on tehir meotions. You know they get stressed out and blow up. In my case ... I call the road hogger many names (In my car so he/she doesn't hear me) grab a sweet, suckle it and make myself listen to the radio while keeping a sharp look out for any possibility of voertaking as soon as it's safe. I also pray "O please take the next on the left/right! Get out off my way". Having said that ... I never get out of my car to punch their lights out! If i call them some terrible names LOL Some people find it unbearable and resort to violence!

2006-09-29 09:07:54 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Minivans & stupid people. Sometimes they are one in the same.

People who don't get directions before they set out for a destination or can't read a map or rely on GPS.

2006-09-29 09:08:09 · answer #5 · answered by jillette 4 · 1 0

The intolerance of the stupidity of other retarded drives who shouldn't be on the road to begin with and I wonder how in hell they got their license?!!!!!!!!!!!!! I especially love the ones who almost kill you and then throw YOU the finger....Stupid people piss me off whereEVER they are....and they're multiplying like rabbits...............(especially in Yahoo answers, apparently)

2006-09-29 11:30:03 · answer #6 · answered by Jan O 3 · 0 0

Horrible drivers, especially when they cut me off. It doesn't help if they have a nasty bumper sticker like those "Marriage = [men's bathroom sign] and [women's bathroom sign]" dealies.

2006-09-29 09:03:45 · answer #7 · answered by GreenEyedLilo 7 · 0 0

people not living life how they would like to.

2006-09-29 09:05:33 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1


2006-09-29 09:03:06 · answer #9 · answered by NONAME 1 · 0 1

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