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Too much spying on US. Citizens & invasions of privacy going on.

1. Tracking chips are put in our clothing
2. Cameras in schools, gas stations, stores, fitting rooms, bathrooms, stop lights,etc
3. Strip searches & x rated x-ray machines in airports
4. Homeland security listens to our phone calls
5. Strip searches in High Schools
6. cameras in fast food places
7. The Government monitors our spending habits.

Why does our Government spy on Americans?

2006-09-27 18:33:59 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

7 answers

I don't see any lost rights from your silly list. You are either another conspiracy nut or just paranoid. I highly doubt that you have any first-hand experiences with tracking chips,cameras in fitting rooms and bathrooms, strip searches, x-rated x-ray machines, tapped phones, or tracking spending habits by the government. If you honestly believe your claims, you are one sick mental case.

2006-09-27 18:59:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Easy answer. Saving lives. No one puts tracking chips in clothing unless you are some type of criminal on a short leash. And there is no such thing as a strip search or x rated xray machines in airports or highschools.

Cameras are in place to stop criminals of all kinds and for your protection. The govt only cares about what is a threat to other americans, and if you feel embarrassed about something...know that those that monitor dont care and have more important things to worry about.
Stop listening to the BS liberals put out to make this look like a bad thing. These are the same people that if the govt didn't do this, they would blame the govt for not protecting or surveilling in some way to prevent something that could happen when it did.

2006-09-28 01:44:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I agree generally with Rockman..
1) No one manufactures clothing with tracking chips for general purchase, and I doubt for uniforms or military. If so, I would think we copuld find missing/kidnapped children & adults.
2 & 6) These are privately owned business' or Government buildings. Both do it for security. I know some companies do place camera's in fitting areas, but not the rooms themselves.
3) In airports, some people may get strip searched, but only if something is found amongst the carry-on & their behavior caused that level of suspicion. What is your definition of an x rated xray? Are you saying we are x-rayed in such a way that our bodies can be seen?.. only items that are carry-on's are x-rayed.
4) Yes, the NSA apparently has access to who we call, and who calls us. they are not listening willy nilly to just anyone's calls. do I agree that they should be able to obtain domestic records of calls without a warrant?.. No. but they do not have the technology, nor manpower to listen to us.
5) There have been stories of strip searches on rare occasions in some few high schools without the proper parental notification or legal steps to do so. Those incidences created law suits.
7) The government has no way to monitor your spending habits unless for a legal reason they obtain a search warrant for your bank account records. The bank is required to send any interest amount on savings, etc, or anything related to income for tax purposes.

Unfortunately you have misheard information, or been reading or hearing it.

and Rockman... I am a liberal & cherish my rights to privacy as strongly as any conservative .. in fact perhaps more in someways.
A conspiracy theorist is just that... not necessarily a liberal, conservative or libertarian, etc.

2006-09-28 09:59:54 · answer #3 · answered by windy97222 1 · 0 0

You never had any rights. It's just that in the old days, they did it less conspicuously. Nothing has really changed. He who holds the gold, not only makes the rules...he breaks them.

How is modern-day America any different than ex-communist Russia? Basically, the government tells you whatever they are doing to you is for your own good.

2006-09-28 02:17:35 · answer #4 · answered by vinny_the_hack 5 · 0 0

They are just doing that for our safety. I think we should be glad that they are doing that instead of complaining about it because it's better to be safe than sorry. The government also wouldn't be interested in what we are doing in our lives unless it poses a threat to national security........There is nothing wrong with trying to protect our safety and the nation's.

2006-09-28 02:48:48 · answer #5 · answered by Raines 1 · 0 0

because they want to create an atmosphere of fear. the more they make the mass scared the easier it is to manipulate them. they make us feel as if these are needed to fight the enemy, "which is everywhere."

2006-09-28 01:54:00 · answer #6 · answered by jon d 2 · 0 0


2006-09-28 01:48:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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