The only way to get a remainder of 8 is to divide by something bigger than 8. Since you're limited to dividing by a one-digit number, the only one that fits is 9.
Example: 368
368 divided by 9 gives you 40 with a remainder of 8
If you divide 368 by 8 you have a remainder of 0
2006-09-27 23:57:10
answer #1
answered by i_sivan 2
There are only 10 1-digit numbers: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
In order to have a remainder of 8 the divisor needs to be at least 9 since the remainder has to be less than the divisor (you can't for instance, say that 23 divided by 5 equals 3 with a remainder of 8; you have to say it equals 4 with a remainder of 3). So the only answer that works is "9."
2006-09-28 01:24:22
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Just one - 9.
Anything else would divide into the remainder of 8 and give a lesser remainder.
2006-09-28 01:21:39
answer #3
answered by Costy 3