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In like asian culture, isnt the oldest son the most important? Why is that?

2006-09-27 17:31:22 · 3 answers · asked by Brian N 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

3 answers

Just a very natural human tendency!

You know! the charm of achievement is the maximum when you achieve something for the first time. Subsequent achievements of same feat, leads to diminishing of charm associated with reachievement.

Parents often live their dreams through their first child, their achievement of an offspring for first time excites them the most! By the time they have a second offspring, they have already invested a lot in the first offspring (child) in terms of affection, love, expectations e.t.c., that they do not feel the need to rethink on equal attention to both their offsprings. Moreover thri enthusiasm on second birth in their family is much lower than the enthusuasm and excitement on first birth in family.


2006-09-27 17:50:41 · answer #1 · answered by Nitin N 2 · 0 0

Not just in Asian culture. It's a european tradition, too.

The first son is the heir to the estate. This is probably because, throughout history, it was the most mature male's responsibility to provide for his family in the event that the chief bread-winner was lost. And with greater responsibility comes greater reward.

2006-09-27 17:34:53 · answer #2 · answered by Privratnik 5 · 0 0

becoz he/she life longer than the other siblings. He/she is call the eldest so they have to be the eldest.

2006-09-27 17:34:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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