A job is not a "calling", but simply a way to earn a few dollars without really thinking about it. A career is indeed a "calling": one must spend lots of education time, commit to authority (teachers of the trade), and one must really "feel" that what they're doing is exactly what they are supposed to do.
No one would really choose to be a doctor or a dentist, except that they really believe that they were "chosen" by the career itself. There are lots of "easier" ways to make a buck than spending 8-10 years after high school going for that career.
But hey, there are other careers. That's really what those first two years of college are for: learning what interests you, finding out what you're good at, and learning what is "out there" in the big world. Learn about yourself first. I'll bet you're great at something.....and I'll bet the world needs just your talents.
2006-09-27 17:40:20
answer #1
answered by Monk 2
You sink your heart, soul and mind into a career that you want to do for years to come. Jobs are a dime a dozen, just a stepping stone that you do along the way, until you finish college, or what ever you have to do to begin your career.
2006-09-27 17:47:31
answer #2
answered by kayboff 7
yes their is a difference. a job is something u see urself doing for a bit. example mcdonalds or babystiitng walmart. things of that nature.
a career is something u see urself doin for the rest of ur life till u retire. in my opinion thats the difference
2006-09-27 17:38:33
answer #3
answered by pitbull 2
a job is something you do to pay the bills,,,, a career is something you get when you don't want to have a life.... if I were you I would ask my self if I want to have a life with family, friends, and joy????.... or a career where all my time is spent climbing some kind a cooperate ladder or building some kind of business....
2006-09-27 17:57:55
answer #4
answered by 4stringthndr 3