Have you considered home schooling or talking the GED? I don't think that anyone can force you to take medication that you don't want to take.
2006-09-27 17:21:11
answer #1
answered by ♥dream_angel♥ 6
Try GED classes, you can't beat our gov. but usually there is an alternative route. GED classes are usually free, you just have to find where they give them. Not only that, but if you can't get into the classes ( I don't know if it is a gov. program) you can buy GED books to study for it. Find out when the tests are given and start studying! I don't know how old you are, so if you are younger than that, have your parents look into home schooling. Use that internet you are using now and look these things up! Other alternative, move. If you move to a different state, the laws are different, and social services does not transfer your info from state to state unless requested! Good Luck and I hope you figure something out, education is important,not only does it help you to learn more and keep up with others your age, but it makes you feel good about yourself. Bye the way, you know your body better than any doctor, if you feel that you don't need the pillls(my guess is they're some kind of pill that messes with your psychosocial well-being) then you shouldn't take them. We are all human--not animals! We must be able to make decisions for ourselves or we will all be behaving like robots. Not only that, but there is natural remedies to everything. All these diseases,viruses, and syndromes didn't just suddenly appear, they have been around forever, just that they never have been named. Therefore, nobody worried about them!
If you ever think your not smart, remember this: Smart is the willingness to never stop learning. Therefore learn from your mistakes keep going.
2006-09-27 18:14:38
answer #2
answered by currentriveraddict 1
The best thing to do is talk to the one who prescribed you the pills and see if an adjustment can be made to alleviate your concern. If your parents is not in agreement then something should be done about it. You should not have dropped out of school, try to enroll back into school. Do not call yourself dumb but think of yourself as someone that achieve good things in life. Surely without an education one chance of suceeding greatly in life is limited. Also your parents may want to try some special education classes or rehabilitation services for you. There are all kinds of help out there for you and do give up but explore your chances of success.
2006-09-27 17:36:56
answer #3
answered by JoJoBa 6
Why do you think you aren't smart? You should be able to go back to school without taking any pills. The school is not a doctor and shouldn't be telling you to take anything. If it is a big issue, you can switch schools or finish your education through a GED program.
2006-09-27 17:24:22
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
they wont let you back into school unless you take the pills? Have your parents go talk to the school. You are not dumb. Maybe the pills are going to be good for you? Would it be worth a try taking them? Good luck to you. Give yourself some credit.... you are not dumb!!! How about getting a GED or something like that?
2006-09-27 17:22:37
answer #5
answered by Michelle : 5
What is wrong with you? Is it schizophrenia? If so, you do need to take the pills. They will help you to focus. You are not dumb. You can learn. Go back to school and work as hard as you can.
2006-09-27 17:22:44
answer #6
answered by notyou311 7
i would check into home schooling...it s kinda nice to be taught at home..i am a drop out as well but not becasue of a problem like yours..its becasue i have a 8 month old daughter..try taking the test for a GED which is almos like a diploma but not as good as one..i am trying for my ged right now..if i fail i am going back to school
2006-09-27 17:22:39
answer #7
answered by mother of two 2
i think you need to go back to SCHOOL! and i wouldn't take any damn pills if you don't know what they do!.
and BTW it is Spelled School NOT skool..
2006-09-27 17:22:10
answer #8
answered by Tonya 2
why?....it make no sence at all....that's one thing that you always should admire cuz there are some kids that want to go but they can't....u should be thankful for what you have...dr0ping out of school would not prove anything to kn0w one....it would just show that you don't care about what you would become in life..i mean think about it...if you d0....then u would never kn0w what u could of accomplished in life unless you put an effert into it and try....d0n't just try...try HARD....show that your one of those ppl that can make it and some day who knows maybe famous...nobody would know but you....think to yourself...and think about what lies ahead if you d0....
2006-09-27 17:25:35
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
>Best rethink that decision...you need all the "skool" you can get...for a lot of reasons that have to do with the rest of your life.<
2006-09-27 17:23:27
answer #10
answered by Druid 6