Nope. The people who are probably don't know what that word means. You should've just said, "Do you hate the Jews?"
2006-09-27 17:02:24
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Christians should be neither against nor for, but neutral. They are a political nation like any other nation, and God intends to destroy all the nations. They lost any special significance upon the death of Christ, when the Great Curtain covering the Most Holy of the Temple tore open for all to see that God's Holy Spirit no longer resided there. Prior to that, only the High Priest could see what was inside there, without dying instantly. And even they had to crawl on their hands and knees to get under the curtain, which was made of spun strands of gold. It was very heavy.
After the time of Christ, Christians became God's People, or the New Israelites, who than began to fall away from the teachings of Christ, even while the Apostles were still alive.
2006-09-28 00:11:47
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I am ... sort of. (I assume you're asking about anti-Jewish antisemitism rather than the broader meaning...)
I'm opposed to any intelligent individual who fails to answer the basic philosophic questions of his own being and behavior through reasonable and logical personal introspection rather than adopting himself into a lifestyle of faithfulness, in carbon-copy fashion, as taught to him by elders and leaders who are little more than blindly entrenched dogmatists. Of this, the Jews are as guilty as any other of the "great" religions; and for this reason, I stand against their endeavor to continue as a large and influential organization.
I must add that my answer would be no different if asked a similar question concerning my position on Christianity or Islam, or Hinduism or any other theistic or polytheistic belief system. So basically... yes, I am opposed to the Jewish faith. However, as a civilized people, I tend to hold them in very high regard.
{}{}{} r u randy? {}{}{}
2006-09-28 00:35:17
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I am a Jew and it is interesting to see the different answers to your question.
Some Jewish people may disagree with me, but being a Jew is not strictly defined to the religious aspects. Jews as a culture are recognized as an ethnic group. Many people identify themselves as Jews because of their antecedents, but are not religious, or practicing or even say they are also atheist.
It was interesting to see Senator Allen of Virginia asked just this week of his Jewish heritage. He became very angry about it, rightly so as it has no relevance to his issues. Or maybe some felt it did as he is being accused of racist remarks in his college days..
My point is that people all through history have seen Jews as more than a group who have a certain belief different from theirs, but if one has a parent or grand parent or even great grandparent, they have been considered Jewish' .. so greywolf.. there is a difference.
2006-09-28 10:23:35
answer #4
answered by windy97222 1
No. And in response to Kuji's answer (see above)... I may be a little ignorant here so forgive me if I have it all wrong but isn't Judaism (being Jewish) a religion or belief system? If so, how does someone become "Half Jewish"?... You either believe wholeheartedly or you do not believe at all... just an observation is all... I am open to responsible, intelligent criticism on this matter.
2006-09-28 00:01:58
answer #5
answered by Greywolf 3
Ive never seen anything wrong with jews. I've worked for them and they gave me more respect than non jews. They're a little stingy when it comes to salary but so what, that's no reason to hate them.
2006-09-28 00:07:53
answer #6
answered by renaissance man 3
Not yet, but that latest little stunt in Lebanon didn't exactly make me feel all warm and mushy towards Israel's government. Of course, that's government, not religion. As for religion, I'm an equal opportunity scoffer.
2006-09-28 00:02:15
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
No, not at all. I consider them believers in the God I worship as a Christian - Yawheh.
2006-09-28 00:03:06
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I sure hope not. I'm half-Jewish and I have several Arab friends.
2006-09-28 00:01:55
answer #9
answered by Kuji 7
No, my boyfriend is Jewish and I love him more than anything
2006-09-28 00:06:57
answer #10
answered by lucky 4