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There are SO many people at my school with SO much and I love it all but don't have the money to get it all... I try to remember that there are SO many more people out there with alot less than I have and it helps for a while but then I just go back to being jealous again when I see my faveorite hoodie that was way too expensive for me to buy. I don't have time for a job and that would help alot and I try to remember that alot of those people are bratty and arent anything without their money.. but STILL ARGGGG!

2006-09-27 15:25:46 · 3 answers · asked by elemenopee. 4 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

3 answers

I really understand what you are saying. It's very hard to see people have all the things you want and not be able to get them for yourself.

Remember though that "things" are very transitory. You can have something new, and then you get tired of it, and you want another thing new. If you keep this up, there is no end to it.

Think of the things you have that others don't. What are your special talents, gifts? What do you appreciate that God has given you, that you would never trade for any amount of money? Keep your focus on things that are really solid in life, like being a nice person, being kind to others, etc....not things that are temporary, like material things.

2006-09-27 15:31:27 · answer #1 · answered by Esther 7 · 1 0

Get over it. There is no point of being jealous over something that you may have wanted in the short run. It seems very meaningless to me, you may actually get the things that came across your sight now, but thru out the years more and more may come along, let me just tell you, you will not be able to coup up with it. This is just basic human nature, you'll not feel satisfy on anything that you currently have or may have. So the base idea is to get over your feelings.

2006-09-27 22:34:18 · answer #2 · answered by maggotier 4 · 0 0

The kids who have it all now will have nothing but problems when they get older. They will not appreciate anything or anyone. You on the other hand will know the value of money and appreciate what you get. I know it's hard now but just keep in the back of your mind how messed up these kids are going to be in a few years.

2006-09-27 22:36:23 · answer #3 · answered by david s 1 · 0 0

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